got everything and nothing in my life

Start from the beginning

Actually, I'm pretty sure I already called that sorry old man

Keener @thepotatogunking

Not Sorry @tonystarksintern

{Video Attached: The same scene of the apartment doorway, light spilling out from underneath, camera shaky, and numbers blurred out. The person holding the camera, presumably Harley, lets out a little laugh and says, "Keep going!" On the other side of the door, a muffled voice laughs and then there's soft flute music playing. A few moments later it stops and the muffled voice sings the first verse of Somewhere Over The Rainbow. The video cuts off abruptly just as the singer lets out a breathless huff of laughter.}

> PETER @tonystarksintern

I swear to god keener I'll stop singing for you if you keep posting these >:(

>> Keener @thepotatogunking

You would never :(

>>> PETER @tonystarksintern

... fine but I'm still mad at you

> Fuck Off. @mjjones

@nednednedleeds you owe me fifty

>> guy in the chair @nednednedleeds


PETER @tonystarksintern

Bcs we're all bored and lonely, we're texting ALL THE TIME so here's this from last night

{Set of Screenshots of Messages from the Quaranteens Groupchat:

Emmie: Send me a photo and I'll believe you

Peter: ...

Emmie: I knew it. Go to bed if you're not doing schoolwork like you promised

Ned: In his defense, literally all of us are up

Peter: That's a fair point. YOU go to bed

Emmie: You're telling me what to do?

Harley: I wouldn't go there if I were you peter

Peter: IM GOING THERE. Mj go to bed

Emmie: lol kay

Peter: WAIT NO

Emmie: Night losers

Ned: I think you deserve that one

Peter: :(((((((((

Harley: I'm going to bed too. My nana has errands for me to run all day tmrw

Peter: You're ALL leaving me???

Ned: Sorry pete I've got a class meeting at eight :/

Peter: I feel so betrayed :(((((((((

Peter: I cannot believe this

Peter: The people of Twitter would never do this to me

Peter: I'm going to find better friends

*an hour later*



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