The blonde smiles sadly.

"Kasamatsu-senpai doesn't really like to show affection but I do know he loves me! It's just that......I sometimes can't stand it." He confesses.

The volleyball player nods his head.
"Iwa-chan is the same with me. Now that I think about it, when we were kids I used to think they were twins." Oikawa recalls.

Kise laughs at this. "You three were childhood friends right?"

Seijoh's captain nods. "Yup."

Both of them lets out another sigh.

"I'm sure they will follow us tomorrow." The brown head says. "Ready for our plan?"

The younger lad nods.

"Of course I am."

"Iwa-chan, I'll go and see Ryota-kun ne~"

Iwaizumi felt a little ache coming from his chest.

Oikawa didn't try kissing him even just in the cheek before leaving.

It was unusual.

The spiky black head almost forgot he was supposed to follow his lover.

He eventually managed to chase him, unaware that his boyfriend knew he was following him.

Iwaizumi followed until they were in an empty lot.

Kise was already there.

"Iwaizumi, here!" Whispers Kasamatsu behind bushes.

The ace of seijoh tiptoes towards his friend's location.

They watched from there.

"Ryota-kun, I am here~" Oikawa sings as he hugged the blonde.

Iwaizumi's fist closed as if he was ready to punch both his boyfriend and the first year basketball player.

Kasamatsu was pissed but he was speechless seeing the boy beside him looks like he is about to kill someone.

Is he really the same dude last night that said he wasn't jealous?

Moving to their boyfriends.

"Oikawa-san, I've been wondering for a long time..." Kise says as the older male pulled away from the hug.

"What is it Ryota-kun?" Brown eyes filled with curiosity.

The blonde gulps, hesitant of what he was going to say as he knows their boyfriends are watching.

Kasamatsu is watching.

"I'm sorry Oikawa-san! I can't do this!" He starts to cry.

"Eh?" Oikawa was shock.

Kasamatsu jumps out from the bush and hugs his crying boyfriend.

Iwaizumi follows hugging the setter possessively.

Kise hugs his captain back. "Kasamatsu-senpai! I'm sowwy! I just wanted you nwotice me..." He apologizes between sobs.

Oikawa froze as his boyfriend's arms tightened around him.

"So you took it this far pretending you were cheating behind our backs or something so you could see our jealous faces?" Seijoh's ace asked.

The setter couldn't do anything but nod.

"So selfish." Kasamatsu says hitting the two hard and straight to the heart.

Iwaizumi sighs. "Well guess what, Oikawa."

Oikawa looks up to him with a questioning look. "What?"

His boyfriend kisses him in the lips.

Kise and his captain watched for a moment in awe before the captain of Kaijoh did the same to the blonde.

The ace of seijoh and the brown head parts away their lips.

"You're mine and I am not planning to share you with anybody." Iwaizumi whispers to Oikawa's ear.

"Iwa-chan!" The setter tackles his boyfriend to a hug.

Kasamatsu parts his lips from his junior's.

"Senpai..." Kise almost stutters.

His tears were wiped away by his captain's gentle fingers.

"Don't do it again Kise." The older male warns his boyfriend. "I might put a collar on you just so you could remember who you belong to."


After that the four of them went to a nearby cafe and ordered something to eat.

Kasamatsu is still a little upset and refuses to kiss the blonde, on the other hand Iwaizumi is being sweet to his boyfriend.

"I'll spoil just this one day so make the most out of it." The wing spiker says to Oikawa before planting a kiss on the brown head's lips, ignoring the weird stares people are giving them.

Kise looks at his captain with eyes similar of a lost puppy's.

Kasamatsu ended up giving in and kissed him as well.

Afternoon comes and their about to go to their separate ways.

Just before Oikawa gives the youngest male among them, Iwaizumi and Kaijo's captain pulls their boyfriends away from each other.

Hugging their boyfriends, the two smirks.

"Mine." Both Seijoh's ace and Kasamatsu says at the same time.

They went to their separate ways.

Oikawa blushes as the wing spiker holds his hand while walking.

Kasamatsu puts his hand on Kise's waist while they also walk away.

Author here!

Sorry if it was bad.
English is not my first language so I am really sorry if there are mistakes.

Despite my trashy writting, I hope you enjoyed it even just a little bit.

Thank you for reading~(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤

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