The Begining

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*Knock* *pause* *KNOCK* My eyes flew open, "The hell?" I thought. "What's going on?" I slowly shift fomr the hard cold metal floor into a sitting position.

I slowly turn my head to find the source of the knocking. My Eyes glide across the scene as the only thing i see are bars, cold... metal.... bars. "Oh thats right" I thought to myself. "I forgot i was captured by the whitecoats"

I stiffle a yawn when suddently the knocking reappears. *KNOCK* "Wake up Freak" Says a rough voice. Then I hear a click of a key turing. Then a Large buffy hand reaches in the cage grabbing my arm roughly, dragging me out of the cage.

I go limp in his arms as he begins to carry my  body to a doorway bridal style. I then Deliver a hard elbow into his stomach, He bends over in imact and I jump out of his hands. I flash open my Blue-darkpurple wings (yes wings) and do a quick flap before im hovering atleast 15 feet into the air.

He turns to yell for backup with I go into action, with an episode of heaving my wings up and down I arrive to the ceiling. I circle around the wooden ceiling, trying to find a weak place to break out.

I cast a glance on the ground, only to see swarms of now fully-transformed erasers. I groan then look up at the ceiling. I then place my Hand Flat on the ceiling, my wings still keeping me hovering, I then release all the ice that i have been holding in for so long, by ice travels straight through the oak wood.

I smirk, its working for once, then I imagned all the Oak wood that i just sent though to cover every Atom of the wood with ice, Using this technique I easily bend the wood for a big enough hole to fly out of.

I shoot though the hole, beside the various Yells and shouts from the Erasrers below. I smile and Sky-rocket into the sky.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2014 ⏰

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