Who is Jake Park?

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Name: Jake Park
Gender: Male
Role: Solitary Survivalist
Ethnicity: Asian American

Growing up the son of a wealthy CEO was always going to put pressure on Jake Park. When his brother graduated with honours from Yale, the pressure on Jake intensified. Jake just wasn't the academic type, but his father never really understood his refusal to embrace the expensive education he lavished upon him. Eventually, Jake rebelled by dropping out of school entirely. Now, Jake lives off the grid on the edge of the woods. It's been years since he spoke to his father but his mother checks in once in a while. It was she, who eventually called the police. The cops said he got lost in the woods and a search party looked for days, but gave up as bad weather rolled in. Despite passionate pleas from his mother, they never resumed the search and Jake went down in history as another casualty of the woods.

Jake's destiny was set even inside his mother's womb. Heir to wealth, noble manners and caretaker of the family reputation and legacy. During torture it's not pain that breaks a man, it's immense pressure. And Jake couldn't handle any more pressure. Instead he sought the opposite of fine dining and maids. He left the grid and ended up with a forest as closest neighbour. A self made outsider, Jake understands nature. He's not there to tame something - rather him becoming feral. Remove the brutal Killers that seek out blood to drain and Jake would feel just at home. No Wi-Fi. No Fortune-500 companies. No father nor mother. Years away from modern life has given Jake a new feel for problems. Pain is just an obstacle that hinders you from getting fed. No matter what is hunting you, you need to stay one step ahead. Struggle, blend in, adapt. Just don’t make it easy for others to erase you from the Earth's surface.


Jake's Unique Perks
For the sake of story and assuming Jake has been in the Entity's Realm a good minute, all the Perks listed are at their maximum.

Iron Will
You're able to concentrate and enter a meditative-like state to numb some pain.
• Grunts of Pain caused by injuries are reduced by 100%

Calm Spirit
Animals seem to trust you as they often stay calm in your presence.
• Reduces chances of alerting Crows by 100%
Your calm spirit can overcome the urge to scream.

Unlocks potential in one's Aura-reading ability.
• See Hook Auras in a radius of 56 meters from the pick-up spot if a Survivor is being carried.
Unlocks the ability to sabotage Hooks without a Toolbox.
• Sabotaging a Hook without a Toolbox takes 2.5 seconds.
• The Sabotage action has a cool-down of 60 seconds.

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