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seonghwa sighs as the sight of house that they've rented out came to view, they were going to be there for an unknown amount of time as ordered by the ceo of their company

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seonghwa sighs as the sight of house that they've rented out came to view, they were going to be there for an unknown amount of time as ordered by the ceo of their company. 

he scrunches his nose as they were now in the countryside "lighten up, you'll like it here," san elbows him while the older rolls his windows down 

"fresh air, beautiful scenery and not to mention away from the prying eyes of the public." jongho adds, smiling at seonghwa to try to lighten the mood 

"we have our own place but go off." he replies to the conversation "which we had to leave because sasaengs found our address again." san points out sadly while seonghwa hums, perhaps he was right and their manager was in the process of shipping their remaining belongings to a different apartment complex, one with better security.

"can one of you guys be a dear and open up the gates." he asks, there was obvious exhaustion in his voice so san raises his hand up, he did have the keys so it was fitting that he opens it but he comes to a halt when he sees a black haired boy emerge from the house.

he was as surprised at the sight of group and he runs towards the gates, opening it so he can ask what their business was "i'm gonna go see what goes on." seonghwa shrugs off his leather jacket, climbing out of the car so he can be at san's aid.

"what do you mean you own the house?!" san questions "i live here, what don't you understand about that?" the raven-haired boy replies 

"i don't think so, we were told no one owns the place thus-" 

"san, get back to the car, i'll handle it." seonghwa gives him a little push as he confronts the person who claimed he owned the place.

"look, we mean no harm but we were allowed to rent the house for a couple of months," he explains in a more civil manner unlike san who was about to bust a vein 

"there must have been a misunderstanding, you're gonna have to talk to my hyungs." seonghwa agrees, saying that he'd be happy if they were to clear up any misunderstandings 

"just you!" the ravenette says, glaring at his companions that were in the car "okay, let's go then. i swear they'll stay out here for the meantime."

seonghwa gives his friends a thumbs up before following the younger boy who lead him to the house, he would be a mad man if he says that the place was dreadful as it was actually well-kempt, the design looked as if it was standing since the 1970's.

the once red walls had faded into a dusty rose color, the windows had wooden shutters but they were painted with bright paint that made the place stand out and not to mention it was ornamented with colorful flowers as well as lush plants and on the side there was some sort of mini vegetable garden, it even had vines covering one side of the house.

"hyung! there are invaders who claim they rented the place!" he cringes as the young boy screams inside the house, he had told seonghwa to stay put and sit on the couch because his hyungs were busy cooking lunch. 

this gave seonghwa time to study the home's exterior, it looked like it was a house of memories, with all the photos of what he assumes was the young boy and his hyungs when they were children, along with photos of their parents, almost everything looked handmade and again, it gives the house so much more personality.

not long after, a brown haired boy came from the kitchen, he was shorter than the ravenette but seonghwa assumed he was the hyung he was talking about 

"i'm sorry about our wooyoung, he didn't know there were people who are coming over." he chuckles, extending a hand out to introduce himself 

"i'm hongjoong, you are park seonghwa, right?" he suddenly felt some discomfort as he didn't know there were other people who knew of his whereabouts 

"yes, the one you spoke to, was his name kim yonghwan?" he asks cautiously, hongjoong nods "yes, yonghwan hyung, he's actually our oldest brother. i apologize for the behavior of my younger brother, our home is open to you, a friend of hyung's is a friend of ours." 

they were out again and into the harsh, summer sunlight much to seonghwa's dismay but hongjoong chuckles, telling him it's not always this hot, perhaps the sun was just having one of those days.

"hello, i'm sorry for the inconveniences, yonghwan hyung told me you were coming over, our little brother didn't know hence why he reacted like that, you can come in." hongjoong pokes his head inside their bus-like van and yunho drives towards the spacious lot which leaves seonghwa with hongjoong.

"so, what brings you to the countryside? hyung didn't really mention anything." he asked with curiosity, he was surprised when his hyung called in, asking for a favor that a colleague of his, as well as his friends will be coming over. 

it surprised the younger siblings as their hyung had never came home once ever since he had become a huge producer in seoul but they don't mind as he was following his dream and he never failed to help them financially.

"ah, the celebrity lifestyle turns out, is not that great." seonghwa jokes as they walk on the path to the house, where his friends were starting to unload their luggage as well as some equipment from inside the car 

"lack of privacy, journalists following your every move, performances, concerts, despite how fun they are, took a toll on our health, mostly mine hence why we are on hiatus." he explains, smiling when he sees that san and jongho were chasing each other in the lot. 

it was good to see his younger members act their age as being in the industry can sometimes mean having to grow up faster and having to be cautious of your actions as one slip up might cause you your career.

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