"really" I questioned

"Yes, he seems so happy now. Thank you"

"you don't have to thank me. Im glad I make him happy. He makes super happy too" She smiled and left the kitchen. I finished the dishes and went back upstairs to Jorge's room and before I opened his door I heard someone crying. I opened the door and saw Jorge on his bed crying. He looked up and saw me and quickly wiped his tears away.

"Hey Benji" He said and smiled lightly.

"Baby whats wrong" I was concerned. I hate seeing him cry.

"Its nothing" He whispered.

"Baby, tell me"

"Im just scared that you will leave me. I've never been loved before and im just scared. Im sorry" A tear fell down his cheek. I walked toward him and cupped his face in my hands and wiped the tear with my thumb.

"Baby, I will never leave you, I promise. I love you so much mi amor" I left a small simple kiss on his lips. He laid down and I left to shower.

After I got back I changed into a pair of sweatpants and laid down next to Jorge. He was asleep and I wrapped my arms around his waist and cuddled into him. I kissed his forehead and whispered to him.

"I promise im never leaving amor" After that I fell asleep.

-time skip to Christmas eve-

It was Christmas eve and I was so excited. Tomorrow I finally get to give him my gift. My mom made us Cinnamon rolls which is like a tradition for my family. I was dropping Jorge off at his house tonight so he can spend Christmas morning with his family and then around noon Jorge's family is coming over so our families can meet.

Jorge and I spent the day watching Christmas movies and listening to Christmas music. It was amazing. Everyday I fall more and more in love with him. Plus we got a lot of snow last night. Almost 10 inches so Jorge and I played in the snow for a little while to and after we drank hot chocolate and watched the polar express.

Around 8 o'clock I drove Jorge to his house so he can have dinner with his family. I walked him to his door. we shared a long kiss and we hugged for what felt like forever. I kissed him again.

"Im gonna miss you tonight babe" he laughed

"Baby its only going a few hours" Then I laughed. He went inside and I went home to finish wrapping a few presents I had for my family.

Once I got home I changed into some sweatpants and a sweatshirt and got to wrapping gifts. I wasn't very good at wrapping presents but I try.

Around 11:30 Jorge texted me.

My baby💕: goodnight benji I love you❤️

Benji💕🥺: goodnight my love. I love you too❤️😘

I smiled and put my phone down to go to sleep. I would be lying if I said it wasn't hard to sleep last night. I was used to cuddling with Jorge and I felt lonely. I couldn't sleep because I was so excited and nervous to give him my gift.

I woke up to Jorge texting me good morning and merry Christmas and I texted him back and went downstairs. My siblings and parents were already down there waiting for me. As soon as I walked in we started to open presents. I got a lot of clothes and some face painting stuff. Also some money and gift cards. We ate breakfast and soon we heard a knock on the door. I opened it and it was Jorge and his family.

I wrapped my arms tightly around Jorge and kissed his cheek.

"Merry Christmas mi amor" I whispered in his ear.

"Merry Christmas baby" he replied. Our families introduced themselves and they seemed to get along great. After about 20 minutes Jorge and I went upstairs so I could give him gift. I wanted it to be just us two.

He handed me a perfectly wrapped box and I opened it to see a beautiful bracelet with our initials on. I put it on and hugged him tightly.

"I love it Jorge. Thank you" he smiled and I kissed him gently.

"Okay I have your gift but you have to turn around" he looked confused but turned around.

I got down on one knee and grabbed the small box out of my pocket. I opened it and told him to turn around. He looked shocked which I was expecting.

"Benji if you are proposing right now I swear" I laughed

"No silly I'm not proposing. It's a promise ring" I stood up and put the ring on his finger.

"I promise that I'm always going to be here for you and I promise I'm never going to leave you. I promise that through the thick and the thin l will be here. I promise to always love you no matter what baby. I love you so much" after my little speech he had tears in his eyes.

A tear slipped down his face and I cupped his face in my hands and wiped it with my thumb. I brought my lips to his and kissed him passionately.

"I love you so much Jorge"

"I love you so much to benji" we shared one one last kiss then went back downstairs. The dads talked and our moms made dinner and the siblings played some weird game.

Jorge and I sat on the couch and watched Christmas movies and cuddled until dinner. This was a perfect Christmas.

We all at dinner and made small talk and then my mom noticed the ring on Jorge's finger and gasped. That got everyone's attention.

"Benji, are you and Jorge getting married" she asked. Everyone brought their attention to use and looked at Jorges hand.

"Hopefully one day but not right now. It's just a simple promise ring" I explained.

"That is really sweet" Jorge's mom said. After that we finished dinner and Dessert then Jorge's family went home but Jorge stayed of course because we had an early flight back to Michigan.

We said our goodbyes then we went upstairs to pack our stuff up. Our flight leaves at 7am so we have to be at the airport around 5:30.

After packing we showered and went to bed.

Word count: 1812 Date:5-26-20
I really like this chapter. It's definitely one of my favorites that I have written.

Have a great day/night💕

Benjey~ him and I forever Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz