chapter 2(Finding My Mate)

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I felt worried that my best friend liam hasn't found his mate yet . well yes am Jack Graham and am the closest to liam .Liam is a grown lycon in a young body and he had astonishing blue eyes that only shone when he is angry . he was fond of women but always dreamed about how
His mate would look like I was not okay allowing Tina being his temporary girlfriend because she wasnt pure and she eyed different guys apart from liam . I keep advising him on finding his mate until he finally agreed and left Tina

We left the chamber and his in the woods for 2000years then when we came we where surprised to have seen the transformation New Orleans just got better and we were also surprised on hw the state wasn't ruled by anyone .

                Two years later......................
After bonding with the new change jaden
And I decided to settle down in the castle of Orleans which was our castle .After months of stayingbin the castle doing nothing Jaden and I decided to get a job ,oh!yes I had the power called steal while the war was going on many years ago I stole the power called teleportation so I used it to teleport to Germany I Killed the owner of Montego Company Montego Rodriguez and I used one of my stolen powers which was transformation to transform my self into Montego and I took all the money he had killed his Family because I found out he was one of the bandit . when I got back to New Orleans I found out that Jaden had a Job at the Alexcia's company . The Alexcia's company according to Jaden was a crime fighting company for criminal but behind the scene the Alexcia's company hunts down bandits disturbing  New Orleans and also finds and recruits new wolves . Jaden had the skill of making good weapons that could kill bandits . He never told me about his boss all he said that he boss only spoke to him on the phone

Months after staying at the castle Mia and I decided to go get a job only God know how Mia got the teleportation power have only seen the power used by bandits. Well after searching for places to get a job I finally arrived at the Alexcia's company . I found no reason to work there since I was a very good Fighter . I entered the building and I started hearing voices from different angles ,like they weren't human I didn't smell the scent of human blood . I got to the bosses office ,he was tall ,white type,had curly hairs,with astonishing blue eyes he seemed wolf cause I could clearly hear him growling inside . Immediately the door shut and they all transformed into beta and alpha wolves but his was different like he was an Alpha Lycon . they were no match for me ,at least I fought 1000 beta wolves back years. They growled at me like they already new I was a vampire . I tried making peace with them but it all turned out bad .I smooth everyone but didn't kill them except for the Alhpa Lycon,he seemed very strong like I couldn't just withstand his powers. After everything I went and just a few moments later I received a letter to come to the Main headquarters . by 7:00pm sharp I got there as fast as I could .

              On getting to the area I saw different kind of species of wolves and I was surprised . they lead me to their boss and I waited in his office . teleported in with a black tuexedo suit  and a nice deja pair of shoes he greeted me and told me all about the company ,any ways that's a story for another time .He asked if I could make weapons like as if he already knew what my talents were ,In order not to cause any fight I said all truth and he gave me the job  .I made weapons for them in order to attack bandits and all

I felt bad because I didn't have my Luna with but I felt the dark looking guy would know where my Luna /mate will be because my wolf kept crying out loud  . so I invited him to the head quarters,I had the power to discover talents so I knew he could make weapons .I gave him the job and told him to make weapons that could  kill both vampires and wolves ,I also told him I would come visiting to check out the weapons the following week .

         The following week later...........

I woke up very early in the morning and dressed up . I mind linked jack and Lysander to be ready in few minutes time that we were visiting the castle of Orleans . I got ready in about fifteen minutes ,I wore a nice crazy jeans with a Vinton top and a jean jacket to match with my jeans and also I wore a black Vinton palm i went downstairs to eat I saw Lysander and jack ready so I ate quickly and we where set to go .

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