we walk inside and mike draws out the example mr clarke showed us at 'wills' funeral. "okay so i'm this example we're the acrobat." mike says. "will and barbara, and the monster, they're this flea. and this is the upside down, where will is hiding. me clarke said that the only way to get there is through a rip of time and space." mike says. "a gate." i say. "that we tracked to hawkins lab." lucas says. "with out compasses." dustin says. the adults look confused. "okay so the gate has a really strong electromagnetic field, and that can change the directions of a compass needle." i say. "is this gate underground?" hopper asks. "yes." el says. "near a large water tank?" hopper asks. el nods and says yes again. "h-how do you know all that?" dustin asks. "he's seen it." mike says. "is there any way that you could..that you could reach will? that you could talk to him in this." joyce says. "the upside down." el says. "down. yeah." joyce says. el nods. "and my friend barbara?" nancy asks. el slowly nods.

el sits with a walkie talkie and a picture of will and barb infront of her. we all stand around her. she's trying really hard but nothings happening. the lights flicker. she opens her eyes. her lips start to quiver. "i'm sorry." she says. "what what's wrong what happened?" joyce asks. "i can't find them." el says. she gets up and goes to the bathroom. i go with her. she starts crying. "hey, it's ok." i say and put my hand on her shoulder. she runs the water and splashes it on her face. "you did a lot today, maybe your powers are just worn out." i say. she turns to look at the bathtub. "no." she says. we walk out of the bathroom. "the bath." el says. "what?" joyce asks. "i can find them. in the bath." el says.

dustin goes to call mr clarke. "mr clarke. it's dustin." dustin says. i stand next to him. "yeah, yeah. i just, i..i have a science question." dustin says. i can't hear mr clarke. "do you know anything about sensory deprivation tanks? specifically how to build one?" dustin asks. "f-fun." dustin stutters. "you always say we should never stop being curious. to always open any curiosity door we find. why are you keeping this curiosity door locked?" dustin says. dustin quickly grabs a pen and paper to write down what mr clarke says. "uh huh." dustin says writing. "uh huh, how much?" he asks. "yup all right yeah we'll be careful." dustin says. "i'll see you on monday, bye." dustin says and hangs up with phone.

"do you still have that kiddie pool we bobbed for apples in?" dustin asks joyce. "i think so. yeah." joyce says. "good then we just need salt. lots of it." dustin says. "how much is lots?" hopper asks. "1,500 pounds." dustin says. "well where are we gonna get that much salt?" nancy asks. "the school." i say. we all pile into the chief's and joyce's car.

we swerve into the school parking lot. we run inside. i help dustin and lucas set up the kiddie pool. "it's upside down." i say. "how does this thing work?" dustin says. "try that side." lucas says. "son of a bitch!" dustin says. "pull it back. pull it back." lucas says. "i am!" i say. "one two three." lucas says and we all pull it. it flops to the ground. "stupid bitch." i say. we finally manage to get it up. nancy and mike come in with the hose

we run the water and lucas makes sure the temperature is just right. "colder!" he yells. "warmer!" he yells. "right there!" he yells. hopper and jonathan come in with the packs of salt. dustin drops eggs in it to see if it'll float. first try, no success. second try, no success. third try, the egg floats. we smile at eachother. mike sets down his walkie talkie and turns the static all the way up. el takes off her socks and puts on goggles with duck tape over it. el sighs and steps in the pool. she lays down and floats. the lights flicker out. i sit down next to lucas. everything is still and quiet. "barbara." el says. we all lean forward. el's breath gets heavy. the electricity pulses. "what's going on?" nancy asks. "i don't know." mike says. "is barb okay? is she okay?" nancy asks. "gone. gone. gone. gone! gone!" el says. "it's okay. it's okay." joyce says to el. "it's okay we're right here. we're right here honey." joyce says. "don't be afraid." i say grabbing her other hand. "castle byers." el says. we all look at eachother. "will?" el says. joyce gasps. "you tell him..tell him i'm coming. mom is coming." joyce says. "hurry." we hear wills voice over the walkie talkie. "ok listen you tell him to..to stay where he is."joyce says. "we're coming. we're coming, play? we're coming, honey." joyce says. lucas grabs my hand that isn't holding el's. el shoots up and dustin, lucas, and i gasp. joyce hugs her. "i've got you." she says.

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