"Indeed!" Master Pu Chi grandly shook his robe and gave a look of utter pride, "To think that the book, <The Grand Appreciation Tome of the Beauties in the Six Realms>, which was once wildly popular in the six realms was wholly written by me! But now, there is only one existing copy. It's a pity that the beauties in the present age have deteriorated and are nowhere near the beauties of the past. Just reminiscing the Flower Goddess Zi Fen, now that was a real beauty, but a pity that beauties always have brief lives." Master Pu Chi shook his head and wrung his elbow in despair.

Ah, old ancestor Flower Goddess, I thought of her small tombstone, indeed her life was brief.

"His Royal Highness Night Deity has arrived! His Second Royal Highness Phoenix Deity has arrived!" The little god attendants outside the palace flicked the horsetail whisk and reported aloud. Master Pu Chi audaciously grabbed my shoulder and said excitedly, "It is said that the Flower Goddess..."

Suddenly, I felt that above my head was covered by dark clouds. It turns out that Phoenix had grandly sat on one of the palace thrones and had raised his eyebrow and shot a glare at me. Ah, this sharp glance is a bit too good. But, somehow it does not appear to be friendly, perhaps after waking up from the alcohol he has remembered that I cheated him of three hundred years of cultivation.

Thus, like an ostrich burying its head in the sand, I turned my head in another direction and pretended I did not see him, leaving his gaze which was like a sharp sword to slice at will at my head.

It was fine to turn my head, but when I saw Night, his starry gaze appeared to float towards my corner and his face had an expression of mild shock, as if seeing me was unexpected, yet also within his expectation. I gave him a smile, but unexpectedly he did not smile but fell into deep thought. Did he blame me for breaking his boundary and running to the Heavenly Realms myself?

"The Water God has arrived! The Wind Goddess has arrived!" The small god attendant cried a little too loudly I thought, my heart was feeling a little guilty, and after his shout, my heart almost jumped out.

An elegant male god and a dignified looking female goddess grandly made their entrance with one in front and one in the back. They politely tried to invite the other to sit first, and after a while, the Wind Goddess reluctantly sat down first. This was a heavenly couple that treated each other with respect akin to guests.

"An unhappy couple!" Master Pu Chi nagged in my ear.

The Water God was as I had last seen him, his immortal demeanor was peaceful and indifferent as if he could comprehend everything but see everything as nothing. He was of an extremely high level and I was extremely envious.

Night bowed his head towards the two and the two returned a polite gesture.

After this back and forth, a magnificent entourage made a loud and extravagant entrance. At the head was a goddess that was extremely captivating, she wore a fur cap that was very eye-catching. She was accompanied left and right by beautiful female immortals and this elevated her status even more. It was rare that even Master Pu Chi did not give any criticisms, I pondered - could this be today's birthday star, the Heavenly Empress? 

Who knew that this "Heavenly Empress" would elegantly walk to the palace front and stylishly bow towards Night and Phoenix. She said, "Sui He of the Bird Tribe greets the two Highnesses." It turns out that she wasn't the Heavenly Empress, but the peacock that was the head of the bird tribe - the one that Flower Leader had cut off the food supply for ten over years. But it looks like the supply has been restored, as her cheeks were supple and red, and the bird immortals behind her were energetic and healthy.

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