Chapter 8

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Barbara's P.O.V:

"Great choice we got here. We spend the next century...either hanging out the window or doing parlor tricks"

"Maybe they'll leave now. That snake was a nasty customer."

"Well, he could've hurt somebody!?"

"But he didn't"

"Adam, he dropped our daughter from the second floor!? She has a head injury. That's where he crossed the damn line."

"I understand that, But we've got them right where we want them" Adam said trying to calm Barbara. Then a sudden water mist burst from the town sculpture causing everyone to stop. Knowing it was Beetlejuice who caused the accident by the water hydrant. As the car starts to smoke from the engine.

"You bunch of loser's. How dare you interrupt a professional while he's working!" he shouted with anger at the two dead couple. Barbara was livid and started pointing her finger at him. "I'm not fond of Charles Deetz but you could've kill him! You also could've killed my daughter to cretin!"

"Hey, Im just doing my job, plus your girl is fine, she'll walk it off. Beside, I thought we had a deal! But ya know hey, its okay. You know why? I don't wanna do business with you deadbeats anyway, thank you" Beetlejuice grin and was about to walk away but turns back around.

"The only one I think I can deal with is Edgar Allan Poe's daughter or Leonardo da Vinci's Muse, Shy and lack of excitement from you two, either one will do, cuz they are more understanding than you two" He grinned. Barbara picked him up and glared at him. "You leave those girls alone, you-Ow!" Barbara cried in pain as spikes poked out of Beetlejuice that spiked her fingers as she dropped him hard on the model.

"Go ahead, make my millennium" he laughed evilly looking at the two. "Yeah, I'm feeling a little, uh, ooh, anxious, if you know what I mean. It's been about 600 years, after all. I wonder where a guy , an everyday Joe like myself...can find a little action" he said then a sudden red light flashes in front of him and a whorehouse building appears in front of him called the "Inferno Room" Demon girls seducing Beetlejuice to join them to fulfil their desires.

As for Barbara and Adam they look confused and disgusted of the sudden whorehouse. "Adam, why did you build that?"

"I didn't!" he exclaimed until a burst of sudden wind burst through that can only mean one thing. They are in big trouble.

-Darla's P.O.V-

After leaving the Deetz/my old house that night, coming home with a head injury wasn't easy to convince my grandparents that I feel down the stairs. It wasn't too serious. But I cant help but think what is going on. My parents are dead but are now ghost, A giant snake monster tried to kill me, plus my new second best friend kept secrets from me. It was too much. Though I knew she never meant to hurt me, plus I am her only friend here. She'll be starting school in two days. Plus our school isn't gonna be accepting that she's gothic. Maybe yelling at her was a mistake. I should say sorry to Lydia. Maybe also gift her of a self portrait.

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