Chapter two

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(A/n: I apologize for how short it is, I've always hated writing the first chapter to a story*in this case, the first chapter on my part* It will get better soon. <3 Sims2gamer33)

 Katies P.O.V

As I got one of the suitcases down from a rack, I looked at Mikey from the corner of my eye, Lexi and Frank had went to bring stuff up, well at least that is what they claimed that they were doing. With how much they kiss, I'm not too sure. "You can trust her you know" I said, pulling the suit case off the bus "Dasha, that is. I've known her for a while,  I know you can trust her" I added, and began pulling the suitcase towards the hotel.

Mikey quickly caught up with me "A killer is out to get my brother, and Dasha suddenly is dating him, don't you find that a bit odd?" he asked "And what about Ray just starting dating you? Don't you find that a little weird at all?" he added.

I stopped walking and stared at Mikey "Are you implying you think Ray is in on it?" I questioned in disbelief "He is one of your best friends, and you think he is in on it?" I added shaking my head, he does have a point though, it is weird that Ray suddenly wanted to date me. I try not to think about it too much though.

Mikey shrugged "I'm just saying its suspicious that is all." he said, I sighed and started walking again, It was enough that Mikey suspected Dasha of being the killer, but now he is suspecting Ray? that is going way farther than it was before.

The elevator ride was long and silent, and honestly a bit uncomfortable. I watched as the numbers slowly changed at the top of the elevator, thankfully we aren't on the 13th floor. Just the not very comfortable, 14th floor, its only a little better than the 13th.

As we got off the elevator, I couldn't help but think about what Mikey said, I shouldn't let it get to me, but it was. Ray couldn't hurt anyone, could he? And there was no way that Dasha is the killer, its just the fact that she just started dating Gerard that is making everyone think that.

Mikey just doesn't know what he is thinking, Dasha isn't the killer and Ray isn't involved, I trust them both..

                                          (~In Third Person, some time later~ )

The hall was quiet, and fairly dark, the only light was from two clearly old ceiling lights. There was only six doors in the hall, all leading to rooms where people slept, oblivious to the world around them, not knowing that a life was in-danger.

"You need to break it off, soon" a voice said in a whisper "People are starting to suspect things." the voice added, in a warning tone of voice, in hopes that the other person would listen to the warning.

A unamused chuckle filled the hall "You're the only one who suspects anything" the other person argued in a whisper "You're just being paranoid." the person added.

The first person frowned  "I'm not being paranoid." the first person said through their teeth "There is a killer out there targeting singers from punk and alterative bands, you really think I'm going to sit here quietly waiting for the next death to happen when its our band that is the next target?" the person asked.

"It is just a rumor" the second person said, shaking their head "It doesn't mean anybody is after anyone, you need to relax and stop worrying about this, most rumors turn out to be false" the second person added.

"Rumor or not, I'm going to find out who this killer is and put a stop to it." the first person said, raising their voice a bit "And I know exactly where I should start" the person added, before turning and walking off, their boots making noise with each step they took.

The second person shook their head and sighed, they weren't going to give up any time soon, were they? It's just a rumor, it doesn't mean anything.

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