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Leo's POV:

"Hey Leo, ready for movie night?" Piper asked me in her usual happy tone. We have a movie night every Friday, but today I just couldn't get into the right mood.

"Yeah, about that Pipes, would you mind if I canceled today?" I asked without looking up at her. I knew she was looking forward to this since it was her turn to pick a movie. "What's wrong?" she immediately asked stepping in front of me to stop me from walking.

"It's nothing," I smiled at her, though I'm sure it didn't quite reach my eyes, "I'm just a bit tired that's all." She looked like she was about to protest, but she didn't get the chance because that's when Y/N called out to us.

Right away the pachinko balls started slamming around inside my stomach again. I tried to mask the obvious smile that was threatening to form on my face, but Piper noticed. Of course she did, she's the daughter of the freaking love goddess.

Ever since I got back from our quest Y/N and I had been spending lots of time together, just as friends of course. She's way out of my league.

She's a daughter of Apollo and has been really interested in my work on the Argo II. She listens to me ramble about it for hours on end, why? I don't know. But in doing so she has stolen my heart. Not only because she listens to me though, or because she laughs at my dumb jokes, and not even because she's utterly beautiful without even having to try...

No, what really solidified my feelings for her is the way she stands up for the other campers, and me in the beginning too.

The day I arrived Drew was trying to make fun of me because of my dad being, well, ugly. Before I could even return the insult she was standing there next to me, completely running Drew into the ground insult after insult.

When she was done she looked at me, the anger fully disappearing from her face and making way for an amazing smile as she extended her hand and introduced herself. It's been a month since I got back from the quest and Y/N makes sure to drop by the bunker every day.

She's really smart too, which is rare with children of Apollo.

We discuss sketches and ideas, make jokes, and at the end of the day she makes sure I go back to my cabin instead of pulling an all-nighter to work on the ship.

Best of all, I understand her, which is rare with me and girls. She doesn't do 'subtle hints', she just says what she means. She tells me when she's mad at me, which has luckily only happened once, and her eyebrows grew back in a week with the help of some ambrosia so she didn't stay mad.

"Hey guys," she said in an almost as chipper tone as Piper, "ready for movie night?"

"Well I am, but commander toolbelt over here is 'to tired'." She said it with air quotations which made me feel even suckier for bailing on them. But I just can't let what happened last time happen again.

We were watching the second Annabelle movie, and like always, Y/N and I sat next to each other. Every time something scary happened she would jump and grab my arm or scoot closer to me. Now you can probably already guess what that did to me. And if you can't, let's just say that by the end of the movie, I had a rather uncomfortable situation going on in my pants...

"Leo, come on! Who else am I gonna share my popcorn with, you know I can't finish a bucket by myself!" She said while playfully punching me in the arm.

"Ugh fine, I'll come. But if I fall asleep- "

"I'll drag you to your cabin if I have to, you're coming." And with that the argument was settled, I know better than to say no to her. "But that's not why I came over here. Can I steal Piper away for a second, we need to talk?"

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