First Kiss

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After a particularly terrible mission, Nat wants to grab some food from across the street but Steve thinks she should stay inside during the pandemic. They have an argument and Natasha accidentally lets a few things slip...

  The mission was supposed to be simple, bust into a Hydra base, fight the guards, take the important documents and go. But somehow, two of Shield's best agents messed up and the mission quickly turned south.

  "I did not sign up for this," Natasha mumbled as she dragged herself into the hotel room they had been staying in. The two of them had been beaten pretty badly by the guards, and the sooner they treated their injuries, the better.

  "It's kinda in the job description though," Steve replied snarkily, earning a glare from the redhead across the room. He sat down on his bed, examining a deep cut on his bicep. The soldier and the spy had grown close over the years since Steve had been unfrozen. This time, Fury had paired them up despite the fact that Natasha's partner in crime had always been Clint.

  "Not to mention the pandemic. I swear if it weren't for the missions we keep being sent on, I would have died of boredom in my room by now." Natasha commented, wincing as she pressed on one of her wounds.

  Steve, with his enhanced hearing and all, heard her and immediately frowned. "Are you okay?" He asked gently, abandoning his own stab wounds to tend hers.

  "You don't have to do this, Steve. I can do it myself." Natasha said scathingly, secretly enjoying the attention he gave her. Steve always gave her a strange feeling in her gut, especially when he was being gentle. No matter how bad the situation was, he always seemed to be able to make it better.

  "I want to." Steve insisted, continuing dabbing at her wound, attempting to clean it. It wasn't the first time they helped each other with their wounds—it happened on every mission they were sent together on. And it usually started with Steve fussing over her.

  They were really good friends, maybe even more than that, Natasha thought. They were friends...right? The spy let her mind wander into space, barely noticing the stinging sensation as Steve pressed an alcohol pad to her wound.

 Love is for children.

  "Done!" Steve's voice snapped her back to reality. He had cleaned her wound and was wrapping a bandage around it.

  "About time," Natasha shot back, careful not to let her guard down again. She slowly stood up—the wound hurt a lot, but the pain was bearable. "I'm going to head down to the street and get some food."

  Steve shook his head, resting his hand on Natasha's shoulder. She stopped in her tracks as she felt electricity run down her spine. Not now, anytime but now.

   "It's too dangerous out there," Steve pointed out as Natasha turned around, an annoyed expression on her face. "You just got injured, your immune system is down, and don't forget you're as susceptible to the coronavirus as every human out there," he said as-a-matter-of-factly. "We can go to get food tomorrow. Together."

  Gritting her teeth, Natasha pulled herself out of Steve's firm grip. "I'm going, I don't need your permission," she muttered under her breath. There it was again—the feeling of falling, the fear of Steve saying something that would break through the defences she had spent years building.

  Steve flinched as Natasha pulled away. Did she really hate him touching her that much? He felt a sense of dread at the bottom of his stomach—he had thought that they were close. Maybe even close enough that Natasha wouldn't have minded if he touched her.

  "Why are you acting like this?" Steve blurted out before he could stop himself.

  "Acting like what?" Natasha fired back, her eyes narrowing into slits.

  Steve sighed, shaking his head in exasperation. "I'm just saying, it wouldn't hurt to be a bit less impulsive." he finally managed to say. Natasha's expression suddenly softened and she turned away sharply, facing the opposite direction. After a few moments, she turned back to Steve. The super soldier was shocked to see tears in the spy's eyes—Natasha never cried.

  "I guess I'm scared," she said in a small voice. The way she was looking at him felt like a stab in his chest—like he was dangerous, like he was going to hurt her. "I'm scared that you're going to leave me someday. Look at you, you're Captain America, for God's sake! There are always going to be better girls, better fighters out there waiting to meet you." Her voice broke, tears threatening to roll down her cheeks. "It's just a matter of time, isn't it?"

  Steve stood up, sitting down next to Natasha. He wrapped his arms around her, savouring the feeling of her warm body against his. "I'm never gonna leave you, Natasha." he whispered softly as he leaned in a little closer until their foreheads were touching. She was beautiful, everything from her flaming red hair to the way her green eyes would glint under the sunlight. Dear God, he couldn't resist anymore...he pressed his lips to hers as the rest of the world fell away.

   The kiss started slow-moving—soft and innocent at best. Her lips brushed his, softly and delicately like butterfly wings as his hands slowly moved to her waist. She pulled him closer until there was no space left between them and she could feel the beating of his heart against her chest. There were no fireworks or sparks as the more pressure was added to their lips, deepening this kiss, but a wave of warmth that filled both of them up.

  After what seemed like forever, they slowly broke away from each other. Neither of them uttered a single word, but the glint in Steve's eyes explained everything.

  "How long?" Natasha finally asked, breaking this silence.

  "Ever since I met you," Steve admitted as Natasha took his hand. A shy smile spread on the soldier's face as he blushed. "I've always thought you were amazing, Nat. I guess I've never had the guts to tell you."

  "So um...I've been meaning to ask you," Steve rubbed his hands nervously together. "Do you want to go on a date with me? I mean I just really want to—" He was cut off when Natasha laughed.

  "Of course I would love to. This Friday, six o'clock, your apartment, don't forget." She gently kissed him on the cheek and before stepping into the bathroom, leaving a flushed Steve behind.

  All he could say is, he couldn't wait for Friday to come.

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