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Chase was staring at his locker when he saw Foreman aproach, with a piece of paper in his hands. ''Went down to the morgue to re-run the antibodies test.'' he sad and waited for Chase's response. ''We ran it twice.'' Chase said, a little suprised, but also expecting this. Knowing Foreman and how much this case meant to him, he would lie if he tought covering up would be simple or effective.

Foreman decided to ignore Chase's response and continued.'' Turns out I couldn't get in. They had an armed guard. But then I saw this.'' he showed Chase the paper he recognises from before.''It's a signing sheet from the morgue. Your signature... from 9.45 this morning, that's right before you guys ran the test. What were you doing there?'' Foreman was getting inpatient. Chase knew he wouldn't buy it but he tried no the less. ''Follow up on a clinic case.'' he sad, still not looking Foreman in the eye. ''What case?!'' Foreman was getting agitated and angry. ''You think this is really importaint?'' Chase didn't want to talk about it so he tried to end the conversation. 

''One of the patients in the morgue is a 70 years old women with scleroderma.'' he stopped and looked at Chase, radiating anger. ''You and Cameron...if you took that woman's blood you could have messed up the test results so we treated Dibala for the wrong disease.'' Chase looked up at Foreman. ''Cameron had nothing to do with it.'' there was a second in which Foremans face went from distressed to complitely angry.

''You son of a bitch!'' Foreman yelled. ''He was going to kill the Satibi. Every last one of them.'' sad Chase in his defence, but before he could continue, Foreman interupted him. ''I don't care, what he was going to do.'' he sad. ''He came to us and put his life in our hand.'' the caused Chase to finally face Foreman. ''All the good we've done, every life we've saved. It would have meant nothing, if we just send him to kill hundreds of thousands of people. Look at the news. The Moderate are taking over, there's hope for peace talks. You tell the world that I faked his test. Dibala will become a martyl. The massacres begin.'' even Foreman realised that Chase made up his mind.

''I cover this up... I become your accomplice. You think you can guilt me into that?'' Chase just sat down, obviously not wanting to continue this conversation. ''If cops are gonna come for me, please warn me so that I can tell my wife first.'' Foreman was shook. ''Chase, you really think you can kill another human being without any consequences to yourself.'' Chase kept his face stern and said.


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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2020 ⏰

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