Encounter with the King

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"The peak of the witching hour is the time you chose to talk to your biggest crush. God, you're an idiot," you think to yourself as you walk up to the big wooden door that leads into the castle.
"There is no doorbell, no knockers, absolutely no drawbridge mechanism. How are you supposed to get into this castle?" you procrastinate, thinking option over option when suddenly the doors creak open in front of your eyes, with no servant or butler or person present. All that was visible was a towering palace of jumps to cross and fences to cling to. Absolutely no errors could be made here, otherwise, you were toast.
Many close calls and missed jumps later, and you made it to the huge crimson doors leading to Bowser's lair. The king himself may await your arrival. And who knows, he could even be happy to see someone so nice!
Another unforeseen force pushes the doors open for you, and you slowly enter the room that the King of Koopas, Bowser, owns and lives in. He then notices your entrance and exclaims in his gruff, deep voice, "How dare a random human enter my castle, especially at this time of night!" You are taken back and almost lose your balance, but you quickly reply, "I-I just wanted to see what you looked like in person, is all. Didn't mean to startle you!"
He seems even angrier than before, and he bellows out a huge speech about how he hates visitors that are not welcome in his castle, and he storms over to you, making the entire lair shake.
  He yanks you by the collar of your shirt and pins you to the wall with just his thumb and finger, shouting "Why have you entered this lair? Are you a spy? An assassin? Or are you merely a visitor coming to 'see what I look like close up'?

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