Sparks to a Flame

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Random thoughts appear and disappear as imagination bubbles in your head. You almost don't hear your [mother/father] call your name to come and set the dinner table.
As you eat the chicken and lettuce wrap, which is lightly drizzled in creamy mayonnaise and garnished with pepper and salt, you hear the miscellaneous sounds associated with the crunch of the lettuce.
You are now walking upstairs, heading to your room. Once you step inside, you glance over at your alarm clock. 11:43 pm flashes on and off on the monitor and you think to yourself "I'm too energised to be awake right now, I should be productive!"
You think and think and think about what you could possibly do at this time without being a distraction when all of a sudden it hits you like a tonne of bricks. The one lifelong dream you've always had stuck in the back of your mind has now had its chance to shine. Your fascination with Bowser from the Mario series.
It may seem like an odd crush, but he's been the bad guy, the final boss, the toughest challenge you face in the Mario games, and he doesn't seem like such a mean person to you. He's just trying to get Princess Peach to himself, and it isn't too much of a big ask. He should be given a chance, and you're known to be one of the most caring and kind people in the neighbourhood, so it should be a piece of cake... right?

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