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Maybe I was just never used to it.
Talking to someone when I've got troubles.
Listening to their advices.
Thinking solutions with them.

What I am used to is being alone.
Overthinking. Going overdrive.
Solving my troubles with myself alone.
Not having someone who listens.

That is how I barely survive life ever since.
I'm not friendly.
Most of the time I'm just alone.
I made peace with the fact that I dont really have someone to share everything with.

Everyone thinks I'm happy.
Everyone says I have a perfect life.
I have a great profession.
I have life figure out.

What they dont know of is I'm not anything they described.
I'm a fake. A pretentious human.
Trying to fit in in this world.
But was scarred by everyone.

I was pressured.
I have to lead a life I dont want.
I have to do everything for everyone.
I wasnt happy.

I was lonely. I was sad.

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