Chapter 1: Overture

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A/N I have absolutely no excuse for why I'm starting yet another SI OC fic. Nope...although, I AM shifting the blame on Plouton and kurobook (check out these two hella rad writers and their stories), so you have them to thank for this fic! And I mean that with love...

Oh, and surprise surprise, guess who's finally twenty-one? Me, and this fic is here to commemorate that day because I'm freaking old.

Disclaimer for the entire story: I don't own My Hero Academia or anything related to My Hero Academia! I am in no ways Kōhei Horikoshi, nor will I ever be!



There really isn't much to say about Hibiki Miki—not now, at least. After all, she is just a baby, sleeping away the days as they come. She has no particular motivation to stay conscious. And even if she did, she doubts she could even stay awake. It's difficult and it's just so quiet...

There's nothing much of interest to see anyways, save for the mobile that hangs above her crib. She sleeps undisturbed, crying only when she is hungry or in need of a diaper change. It hasn't been that long since she was born—maybe three months at best, if she were to make an estimate. She wouldn't know. Time is a concept that is completely lost to her in her current form.

All she does know is that she is aware, when she probably shouldn't. After all, she is just a baby...but she knows that she once wasn't. This life of hers is anything but her first, because apparently, reincarnation exists.

She can't remember anything regarding the final days of her past life. Her death is a complete mystery to her. She's not even sure if she was still twenty, considering how close it was to her twenty-first birthday. Everything surrounding the events of her death and rebirth is a complete she doesn't think much about it.

She's alive—that's what matters most to her. She tries not to think too much on the life she has left behind. For the most part, it's an easy task for her to do. With how often she sleeps, it's easy to forget about the things that trouble her. But then there are those days, where she wakes up feeling so distraught. She wants to cry, but at the same time, she doesn't want to cry.

It's a struggle that she can never win against herself. So she cries and she cries. Today is not any different from those days. It's just another day in the life of Hibiki Miki.



Hibiki Miki was born to Sakine Wakana and Hibiki Hansuke during one particularly chilly autumn evening. She was a product of Wakana's desire to have a child with Hansuke, for reasons that are particularly complicated to explain. That's not to say that Wakana doesn't care for Hansuke.

Wakana likes Hansuke. And Hansuke cares for Wakana in return. Whether romance exists, is a question that everyone asks. It is a question that not even Hansuke and Wakana can answer. One thing is for certain, however. These two are not without any chemistry.

The two have known each other since their high school days, when Wakana approached Hansuke during their first few weeks at Yuuei Academy. Up until that fateful day, the two didn't even know each other existed...well, Wakana might have known about Hansuke for a few days. But all she really knew, at the time, was the meaning behind his surname, which she felt went well alongside her own surname. And for that very reason, she searched out for him and when she found him, she loudly exclaimed, "Team up with me!"

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