Ch.3: An Unexpected Lockdown

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Hailey has gotten the keys from the chemistry teacher earlier that day and placed them on a nearby desk by the supply closet once they got to the classroom. After they would've gotten their supplies, Hailey would quickly run up to the office to return them.

"What do we need again?" Jake asked.

Hailey rolled her eyes. "I'll tell you what we need as we go along. I shouldn't be surprised that you forgot everything."

"Hey! Are you implying that I'm forgetful?"


"That hurts."

"You're really sensitive."

"And you're just as cold as Zander sometimes."

"Whatever. Can you hand me that magnesium compound on the top shelf?"

"Fine. Turn on the closet light first."

They were both inside the supply closet when the door mysteriously shut itself.

"What the..." Hailey muttered.

Jake went up to the door. "Uh hello? Sir, we're still in here."

"That's the point," a familiar voice creepily answered.

"Have fun music freaks!" another mocked.

"Losers!" a third popped in.

It was Drew, Henry, and Liam. Jake slammed his palm on the door.

"What the hell!"

"Let us out!" Hailey yelled.

All they heard was obnoxious laughing and the locking of a classroom door. Jake tried twisting the doorknob multiple times, it didn't budge.

"Great, we're locked in," he muttered.

"What!" Hailey yelled, slightly horrified.

"Try it yourself."

She went to the door, the doorknob once again didn't budge. Hailey turned to Jake, enraged.

"Ugh! This is all your fault!" she growled.

"How?!" he yelled back in defense.

"If you had just done your portion of the project a week ago, we wouldn't be in this mess!!"

"Why are you trying to pin this on me?!"

"Because it is your fault!"

"You left the keys outside of the storage closet! You're at fault as well!"


"Well what?!"

"Ugh! You've always have to be right!!"

"So do you!!"

"Why are you being so difficult!?"

"Why are you!?"

They both went quiet for a brief moment.

"We really shouldn't be fighting right now," Jake muttered.

"Yeah. You're right."

"Sorry Hailey."

"I'm sorry too Jake."

"Well, now what?"

"We should still try to get out of here."

"Well, we could but the room is tiny, there's no windows, the air vent is too small for either of us to crawl through, the walls are too clean and slick, and the door is locked tight."

"Can you pick a lock?"

"Nope. Can you?"

"Sadly no. I do have a bobby-pin, but neither of us know how to use it."


Hailey slumped in a corner by the door, letting out a sigh she didn't know she was holding.

"Please tell me there's enough air in here?" she whispered.

"There should be," Jake answered. "The air vent may be small but at least it provides breathable air."

"Now I wish I brought my backpack," Hailey chuckled.

"Same. I would've been able to call Sean."

"By the way, why would Drew and his friends do this to us?"

"They're mean people Hailey. They've been giving me a hard time since I joined the music club."

"I don't get why people are so against musicians at this school."

"It's not just this school. Judgment towards musicians seems to be rampant everywhere."

"What do you mean?"

Jake went silent. The memories of getting tormented back in elementary school for his singing ability came flooding back in his mind. It was the one thing he never told anyone about. Hailey saw tears starting to form in his eyes.

"Uh, Jake. Are you okay?"

"Uh yea," he replied, forcing a smile.

Hailey raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing. I promise."

"Jake, you look like you're about to cry. You can tell me anything."

"No, I can't."

"I promise I won't judge."

"You wouldn't believe me."

"Try me."

Jake gave a depressed sigh and hung his head.

"I was bullied back in elementary school for my singing ability. Heavily bullied, it twisted my mental state, to the point I had to go to a different middle school so I wouldn't have to deal with them anymore. And as a result, I completely stopped trusting people with that one secret, I became a bully myself as well. I understand that two wrongs don't make a right, I can never take back all those horrible things I said to you and Zander these past four years. But in the music club, I finally could be myself, you guys gave me hope again. I honestly don't deserve it."

Hailey's heart skipped a beat. She had no idea.

"Why didn't you tell me this before?"

"You wouldn't have believed me. Or said it was a lame excuse, one or the other."

Hailey gave a small smile. "Need a hug?"

Jake chuckled. "I suppose a hug wouldn't hurt."
This chapter was really fun for me to write. I hope you guys enjoyed it!

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