Opal: The 1st Appointment

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I sat back in my cold hard bed, telling my story to the psychiatrist who has just entered. Once upon a time, there was a girl. The girl was named Opal. Opal had many memories of her life, some she can't really remember. She can't remember her friends or any of her family, even her parents. That might seem strange doesn't it? Though she lived normally in her house along with other children, she never remembers their names, but remembers how they looked.

It might seem weird that the girl's memories seem a bit on the weird side, but everything has their own stories, don't they? Opal was a good student or an average one according to her own standards. She got A's in all her classes, joined clubs and was a pretty normal student. That's until he came, life for Opal began to change.

She didn't know if changes were a good thing back then, but she couldn't have stopped it either way. She thought she could trust him, they were friends after all. Even though that was never his goal. Instead, the world began to crumble for Opal, life was changing again, her parents were gone.

They were on the bed with a blanket covering their faces, no one ever knew what happened, except for Opal's dog, Charlie

As you listen to my story, you noticed that there are many holes as Opal is me, your patient. Now you're probably very confused about what this is, but just roll with it. I began noticing the subtle changes around me after my parents' passing, my friends began disappearing. One by one, leaving out of the blue, never to be heard from again.

After a month only He was left, everyone was gone. I had begun to suspect him for the other's disappearance, but I never got my chance. It was raining and we were heading to my house for a movie night, lights filled my vision and I woke up to find a pen and a book. So I hereby ask for your help to solve what happened the night the lights filled my eyes. You are given the clues and my memories to find the cause.

"Opal, come on! You'll be late for school!"

A woman who looked like she was in her late 30s told the girl.

"Yes, mam." Opal replied as she grabbed her backpack and went out the door. Opal went to the school like she usually does, "Opal, you're late~" her teacher said as she entered her class.

"Sorry, Miss. I stayed at school a little later than normal to help clean up." Opal said as she headed towards her seat. "Fine, I'll let you off with a warning." The teacher said and continued with her lesson.

Opal looked out the window silently as she already knew all the formulas and equations. SHe notices a boy walking towards the school gates, the boy suddenly looks at the window. The two's eyes meet, even though they are a distance between the two they feel quite interested in each other.

"Opal, pay attention! Now tell me, what is the answer for question 7?" The teacher asked, "the answer is 3.14387." Opal replied nonchalantly.

After the school hours ended Opal headed to the public library that was two blocks away from her home. She was in the science fiction section when she saw him again. Opal and the boy both ignore each other for the most part as if they never met and that awkward staring contest at school never happened. What, you thought it was going to be a cliche romance? Wrong.

That went on for about a month and it was fine. Opal's routines stayed about the same until she had to get a book in the mystery section, where the librarian had to put the book on the tallest shelf.

"You gotta be kidding me," Opal muttered. Annoyed by the boy, she grabbed the ladder from the nearby fantasy section in order to get it, but what do you know, it's gone! That's when she saw him holding the book while leaving the library. Guess I have to use the E-book version.

"Okay class, next week we'll be holding a school festival and we'll have food stands run by students, our class will be collaborating with class 3-E." The doors open, revealing class 3-E and the boy in the library.

The memory stops here, as I have forgotten the rest sadly. What I do know is that we became friends and he made my life more colorful. Charlie doesn't like him though, Charlie was always trying to bite him.

I thought of that as Charlie hating him for being a cat person, but he might as well bite the old cat that comes every sunday. That night when we were walking home for movie night, he was rather distant. It was strange as if his colors were sucked out of him.

My time's up. Guess some mysteries stays

A mystery.

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