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(y/n) = your name
(y/h/t) = your hometown
(f/f) = your favorite food

─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

"fine" was how you would describe your life, along with words such as "tolerable", "okay", and "alright".

still, you didn't hate your life. there were some good parts, like your friends and the house you lived in, white minimal-ness and all.

but you thought you were going to stay at
(y/h/t) with all your friends, but you supposed dreams didn't always come true. still, why did it have to be your family that had to move? couldn't some other father get another promotion so you could stay?

you remembered vividly how you found out about the dreaded news.

─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

"(y/n), honey, we have to talk." your mother said as soon as you walked in through the door to your home after school.

"uh, alright, what's wrong?" you ask her, putting up your backpack and heading to the couch to sit across from her and the chair she sat on.

"well, your father has gotten a promotion, but, there's something he has to do in order to get it, y'know?" she says, looking at her hands and fidgeting a bit.

you paused for a second, then saying, "a-are we gonna move?"

you weren't stupid. it was quite clear. it was the pain of thought of leaving that hurt that fueled your words.

"yes, pumpkin." your mother replied, her words dripping with guilt.

─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

and with those words being said, there you were, now in los angeles, the daughter of a talented doctor at eastman medical center.

"honey, why don't you start unboxing, m'kay? then we can get your favorite, (f/f)?" your mother smiles, giving you the last box from the moving truck which left promptly.

"o-okay. sounds good." you smiled sadly, putting away some of your clothes into your new closet.

your mother just nods and closes the door, leaving you with cards and letters and gifts all from your friends back at your old school. how lovely.

─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

after two hours of unboxing, you were almost finished. you decided you were in desperate need of a break, eager to leave the house for a walk or a shopping spree or anything to get you away from the bedroom.

"mom, could i maybe head out? just for a little bit?" you asked your mother as she began to make (f/f), which made you a tiny bit happier.

" 'kay, just be back by six." she responds, not looking up at you and instead focusing on the food.

you head out the front door and lock it with the key you were handed by your parents.

as you close the door and turn away, taking just around two steps, you were immediately bumped into by a boy around your age, holding cookies covered by Saran Wrap on a white and blue plate.

"i-i'm so sorry!" he apologizes.

you pinch the bridge of your nose and smiled shyly, nodding and saying, "oh, it's fine. don't worry about it."

"you alright?" he questions.

"oh, i'm okay! are you?" you respond, staring at the cookies and getting hungry.

he smiles, running a hand through his curly, dirty blonde hair and saying, "i'm alright. i-i'm doogie, your, um, neighbor."

you had to admit, the name was kinda weird, but nevertheless, you beamed as you told him your name.

"oh, right! these are for you. to, uh, welcome you to the neighborhood." doogie hands you the plate of cookies.

"thanks," you say.

"well, i'll see you around then." he waves and leaves, stepping off your porch and retreating into the house to the right of yours.


he gave you some pretty nice cookies.

─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

a/n : pretty good
chapter, right?


─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

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