Dwight's Christmas Part 1

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"Emergency party planning committee meeting!" I heard Angela yell as she quickly made her way to the conference room. Pam, Phyllis, and Oscar followed close behind and Angela slammed the door shut once everyone was in. I looked over at Dwight's anticipating face as he waited for them to decide. It was clear that his patience was running very thin and mine was too. It was Christmas day and everyone forgot about the party. Once we heard Erin announce it everyone was filled with confusion, anger, and sadness that there wasn't a party. Dwight stood up and suggested that they have a traditional German Christmas my eyes lit up from that idea. "Yes, yes, yes!! That!!" I said pointing at Dwight. He looked at me his brow furrowing in confusion as to why Jim Halpert would take his side. Angela called the meeting and I begged my friend Pam to convince them to do Dwight's party. She smirked at me before entering the conference room. I knew that look it meant I will make it happen. We all waited outside in silence until Dwight broke it. "Why would you agree to do my party Jim?" He questions cautiously. "Well first of all we need to have a party, and second your party idea sounds awesome!" I said honestly. Dwight blushed from the strange praise he was getting from his enemy. "T-Thank you Jim" He said looking down at his work. Cursing himself for stuttering. Jim smirked and continued to look at Dwight making him uncomfortable. Now he wanted more than ever for the conference room door to open.

Everyone's heads perked up when the sound of the doorknob opening filled the quiet room. I turned around in my chair so that I was facing Pam. Me and Dwight were on the edge of our seats as we waited for the announcement. "Okay, so the party planning committee (minus Angela) has decided that we are going to do.....Dwight's Christmas." "Oh Yeah!!!" Dwight jumped up from his seat and pumped his fists in the air with victory. I smiled at his enthusiasm. "Dwight, there is one thing though...." Pam turned serious as she tried to calm him down. He looked at her intently. "There is one rule that you must follow and that rule is.....that there are no rules" She smiled at him. "You have never been cooler." he whispered as they both smiled at each other. I got a weird feeling in my stomach from looking at them gazing into each other's eyes. Sure Pam was married to Roy but I couldn't ignore this strange feeling. Jealousy?? I thought to myself as I looked at them. Dwight made his way to the exit of the building and I sat there as he walked away deep in thought about what I just felt. I never felt jealous when Pam was with other guys but it had to have been jealousy towards the way she was looking at Dwight, but what about the way Dwight was looking at her.... I shook that thought away immediately. I would never come to the conclusion that I was jealous because of Dwight so I choked it up of me being jealous of Pam. I watched as went back to her sales desk next to me. She pulled in her chair and then turned to face me. "I saw the way you looked at Dwight" She quietly said to me. "What are you talking about?" I asked looking into her green eyes. She sighed the way Dwight sighed when I said something 'stupid'. "You know exactly what I'm talking about Jim, this isn't the first time I caught you starring at Dwight" She said it like it was obvious. She starting typing on her computer and I just sat there a confused expression on my face. I looked at the cameras who were zooming in on me to see my reaction and I just shrugged looking back at my computer.

Two hours went by and Dwight finally walked back in with different things in his hands. He set up lights and placed strange foods and drinks on the table that Phyllis and Oscar set up beforehand. I watched as he carefully placed the foods and the drinks on the table. He must have sensed that someone was looking at him and turned his head to look in my direction. I blushed but covered it up quickly by starting a conversation. "What food is that?" I pointed at a giant long meat looking thing on one of the plates. "It's the hog moth!" He said looking down at it and back up at me. He was too excited to make a rude remark on how Jim didn't know what it was. "Wow, sounds....Deli....cious?" I paused before saying the last word. It looked disgusting and uneatable but I tried to say something nice after seeing Dwight's happy smile and a twinkle in his eyes. Luckily he didn't notice my hesitation and thanked me before continuing to set up the remaining foods. After that he quickly made his way to the exit again. Everyone watched him leave in curiosity and nervousness about what he was planning. Me and Pam knew Dwight more than anyone else really did so we've seen his rare non-crazy side. Everyone else thought that he was a very strange man and were most likely concerned about what he had in store for them. I on the other hand was almost as excited as Dwight was about this party. I thanked Pam for rooting for Dwight and letting him throw this party and she nodded her head at me. Dwight returned again in a very strange getup. He had a fake brown beard on his face and almost a nest like had atop his head. His face was covered in what looked like dirt and his clothes were baggy. He was carrying a large broom like stick in his hand and had this long bag hanging on the back of his shoulder. He walked slightly crouched and nothing like his usual straight posture. I held in my laughter from his ridiculous costume and from the look of things everyone else was too. "Never fear for belsnickel is here!!" He exclaimed excitedly and I giggled from his accent. His eyes turned to me and I felt my heartbeat quicken before he turned and gazed at the rest of the room.

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