Cameron's death, her father leaving, having to send away her sister, her mother's arrest, the Black Hood, loosing her job, and now the deal. To was all too much.

Rosemary climbed out of the shower after the water had run ice cold and made her way into the bedroom with a towel wrapped tightly around her frame. In the silence of the morning she searched through her mothers dresser and closet for any clothes that would fit her and that didn't smell of alcohol. 

Eventually, she landed on a navy blue long-sleeve and a black pair of jeans. Rosemary tied the top so her lower stomach could be seen and tightened the pants around her waist with an old belt that she had to punch a new hole into with an old pair of scissors. Tied to her feet was a simple pair of black boots and, to keep herself looking somewhat presentable, Rosemary tied her hair back in a messy ponytail and tried to fix her bangs from their frizzy and knotted state. Eventually she gave up after trying to brush her hair out with her fingers and left her hair in knots as she made her way out of the trailer.


"Sorry, I'm late," Rosemary gasped as she rushed into the Blue and Gold office.

Betty had called a meeting earlier that morning and had sent Rosemary a quick text only five minutes ahead of time. Inside sat Veronica and Kevin, who both eyed Rosemary's disheveled appearance as the blonde girl took her seat at the end of the table with her iced coffee in her hand.

"You okay, Rosie?" Veronica asked, taking in Rosemary's makeup free face. She could see the dark, sunken, circles beneath her hazel eyes, which were out of place since the girl, most of the time, got at least eight hours of sleep in a night.

"Fine, I'm fine," Rosemary stammered, hanging her white backpack on the back of her chair and looking up at Betty. "What's the meeting about?"

Betty, Veronica, and Kevin all sent each other worried looks before hesitantly going back to what they were discussing before. Though they were concerned for their blonde friend, Pop's was the main focus at the moment.

"We can't let the terrorists win," Betty sighed, her cashmere wrapped arms crossed over her chest as she stood in front of the small group. "We need to host an event at Pop's that reminds the town of simpler times. Like, a throwback to when the shoppe first opened its doors."

Veronica and Keven sent each other skeptical looks and looked back at Rosemary, to see if she was on the same page, only to see her zoned out as she sipped at her coffee, her tired eyes locked on the table.

"Betty," Veronica sighed, turning her attention to her preppy blonde best friend. "I like a good milkshake as much as any girl, and Pop's puts Serendipity 3's to shame. But, why this hill to die on?"

Betty took a breath, a small chuckle leaving her lips as she took a moment to think to herself. Rosemary's attention was shaken by Kevin, who tapped her shoulder and sent her a confused look. The blonde teenager just waved off her obvious concern and turned her attention to Betty.

"Orange freezes with my mom and Polly after ballet," Betty sighed as she thought back on old memories from Pop's. "Chicken noodle soup with my dad after ice-skating. Grilled cheeses with Archie on the last day of summer vacation. It's where I met you for the first time, Vee." Betty turned her attention to Kevin. "It's were I met you for the first time." Betty then turned to Rosemary, who had a tired smile on her face as she remembered all the memories with her family and friends in the diner. "Rose, think of all the fun memories you have with Jughead when he visits you on your long night shifts."

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