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Trigger warning this chapter I will place a line of !! Before the start of the trigger warning

Trigger warning this chapter I will place a line of !! Before the start of the trigger warning

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Mirio lead me to the car his hand on my shoulder

"Where are we going?" I mumbled my arms crossed tightly around my chest. Mirio smiled as he pulled the car door open

"We are going to the hospital we want to make sure that you're physically ok," Nighteye said as he got into the other side of the car. Mirio pushed in next to me. Nighteye waved to the driver and we pulled away.

The ride to the hospital was quiet except for the bouncing of my leg, it was my nervous tick, I couldn't really control it. Mirio placed his hand on my knee

"are you ok?" I looked up meeting his eyes

"I've never been in a car before." Nighteyes head shot towards me, Mirio gave me a sad look

"well do you want to hold my hand?" He held his large hand out, I slide my hand into his. He held my hand firmly as he glanced out the window, I, on the other hand, stared at our hands, the size difference was almost comical but the way his hand cradled around mine made me feel like a warm blanket rested on my shoulders. My leg sat still against the seat as we pulled into the hospital, two police cars sat out front. We quickly emptied the cars the police officers followed our lead. I squeezed Mirios hand pulling myself closer to his arm, he glanced down with a comforting smile

"They're just here for your protection." I looked at him and tilted my head confused

"Isn't that why you're here?"

His face turned red and he looked away mumbling

"Did I say something wrong I'm sorry," I whispered pulling my hand away, his body language was obviously uncomfortable.

Mirio quickly snatched it back his eyes wide. He held my hand up to his chest

"No!" He laughed "never apologize for asking a question." He smiled. I nodded I didn't understand him, but I really don't have much experience with human interaction, his bubbly personality was a lot for me to handle, but in a way I enjoyed it.

Mirio lowered our hands and I pushed myself against his arm not wanting to be separated, he was my safety blanket, my savior and I couldn't bear the thought of being apart from that.

We entered the hospital, the room was white and sterile. I stopped the thought of overhaul exam rooms flooding my memory, my breath hitched and I started to shake. Mirio felt me stop and looked to me, my eyes were wide and my mouth slightly open, my skin pale and clammy.

"Eliza?" He turned so he was standing in front of me. Nighteye stood a couple of steps ahead his head now turned toward us. The cops stood behind us.

"What's wrong?" Nighteye asked his tone flat. Mirio looked back shaking his head.

"Eliza, what's wrong?" Mirio asked again. I opened my mouth and closed it probably looking much like a fish. A tear escaped my eye running down my cheek, Mirio went to wipe it away and I flinched back. His hand pulled away a look of shock flashed across his face.

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