Chapter 2

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"Sophie, Fitz go inside," Sandor said.

I didn't want to, but there was no arguing with the giant Goblin towering over me.

I rushed inside Fitz right behind me.

We ran fast, but not fast enough.

Before we made it to the house, a force field appeared around us.


Me and Fitz turn around.

Sure enough, one of the black-hooded elves was holding up his hand, trapping Sandor and Grizel in a glowing shield before they had a chance to reach them.

Me and Fitz exchange a look, we both knew whatever was going to happen was not going to be good. My first extinct was to reach for my panic ring.

But it wasn't there. It was on my dresser.

I quickly mumbled a few words Grady would not like me saying.

The black figure in the front chuckled and shook his head.

"Sophie and Fitz! What a nice surprise. I recommend you don't do anything stupid. Well, you usually do so I don't know why I'm telling you this."

Sandor and Grizel growled and tried to get out of the force field.

Fitz wrapped his arms around me protectively.

"What do you want," I ask.

"Just the two most powerful telepaths." The person said.

He took his hood off to revile 2 piercing blue eyes.


The last encounter with Gethen was not good, both Fitz and I got hurt badly. Now that I think about it, Tam's shadowflux went into Ruy's hands so he couldn't make force fields.

Or so we thought.

"Still playing the force field card Ruy?" I ask.

Ruy laughed.

But it didn't sound like Ruy's laugh.

It sounded like a woman.

"Ruy had a little... problem with making force fields thanks to your shade. So I found another use for this sword" Gethen said, pulling out the same sword that killed Mr. Forkle. I gasped, they would kill another member of their organization, just because they had no use for that person anymore. Gethen continued, "So we recruited another member. Meet our new psionipath, Force." Gethen looked proud, me and Fitz looked disgusted. Even Sandor and Grizel looked surprised that the Neverseen killed Ruy.

"That's a bland name. Seriously, who comes up with these nicknames?" I say.

"Annnddd, now it's time to shut you up," Gethen said.

The next thing I remember is a gun pointing towards us.

And Fitz yelling my name. Hugging me tighter.

"We'll get through this together," He said.

The force field went down, and I felt something land on my forehead. I reached up to feel something wet and sticky on my forehead. I looked at my hand.

It was Paint.

Then everything went black.

A/N yes I know, force is not a good name but it is the first thing I thought of.  Comment if you have any other name idea's because I am not sticking with the name Force. 

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