Bonus: Born in battle

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A woman was dragged from her home by her hair, she was screaming for the men who were dragging her to let her go. She got a slap to the face as she was dragged to the middle of their town. She was being charged for a crime. They were going to kill her for what she did. The young woman screamed and fought back, protecting her bulging belly that held the precious child she loved. These people wanted to kill her. The looks on their faces held disgust and anger towards the woman.
They hated her for what she did. They hated her for who she loved. They hated the child that she had within her. These warriors, hamon warriors. They hated that she loved and was carrying the child of their enemy. She curled around herself as they tried to kick her and punch her, she was protecting the child that had not been born yet. The young woman gasped in pain with a strong kick to her back.

How did they even find out? She was careful and did not tell anyone. She kept to herself except when she was working for the owner of the land she worked on. How did they find out about her relationship with the leader of those men? Why did they hate him so? Why did they fear this baby so much? This was just a small child who had no quarrel with these people, with his tribe. The woman felt the air chill as the sun went down. She knew that the man she loved would be coming to see her again.
She may die that night, but she wanted to make sure the one she loved like her husband got to see his child. With all of her voice, she screamed for him, hoping that he would hear her with his sharp ears. She wanted the god to notice her.


A man with redeye emerged from the temple he hid in, the sun had set and it was safe for him to roam. He was going to get something to eat first before going to see the woman that carried his child. He had very little attachments to the woman other than the usual that emerge from mating. He had more interest in protecting the offspring than the woman, but he did want to protect the woman.
He took a deep breath of the cool night air and exhaled, it was a beautiful night again. No clouds, all the stars were out. It was bright under the moon. He could see everything in great detail. He was the master of the night. The man turned back when he heard his three companions exit the temple as well.

The two young ones bickered as usual, boasting who had stronger abilities. The older companion chuckled as he approached his friend, "I know that look. You're going to see your human again, Kars. It should not be long before that little present she has been keeping safe for you is born." The red eyed male smiled slightly, "That is true. We have been deciding names for the infant, Esidisi. She thinks a human name would be good while I want to name it a more traditional name."
"Can I hold the baby when it is born?," One of the young companions asked, his green eyes looked to Kars with enthusiasm. Kars chuckled, "Wamuu. You would have to be gentle, babies are delicate. Human ones especially." The blond boy sighed, "I'll be careful. But why do you want a baby anyways?" Esidisi gave an exasperated sigh, "Don't question lord Kars, he is trying to see if we can restart our race."
The young warriors shuffled back and forth on their feet awkwardly after hearing that.

Kars softly chuckled before his head snapped up, he heard a pained and desperate cry of his name. It was the woman that had his child in her. Something was wrong. He knew it. His companions heard the cry and watched their master take off after the cry. He was going to see why his human was calling for him so desperately. The companions followed. The ancient and godlike man felt a feeling clench around his heart, fear. He was afraid for that human and the infant inside of her.
He smelled blood from the woman as he came upon the village of a hamon tribe. His rage enveloped him as he saw the woman he trusted with having his child was being tortured because she had his child. The man felt his blades erupt from his arms, he was out for blood. He jumped off of the roof he had situated himself on and landed on the nearest hamon using human. His blades sliced through the neighboring humans. His technique was flawless.

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