Chapter 2

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They were already together for a while, since the beginning of the summer hiatus. The kissing experience in the end of filming 4x23 made Nathan 'wish for more', so, in the end of the day, he followed her to her place, knocked, and once she opened the door he threw himself into her lips and they ended up sharing the night at her place, spending the summer between one and other's place.

The sun was peeking through the windows of Stana's bedroom.

On the right side of the bed, she was turning to the bottom of the bed.

He was turning to her, holding her tight against his naked body.

She woke up. She moved a little bit and felt him behind her. She smiled and let out a small moan.

He woke up too and buried his head on her neck, giving her a small kiss, holding her even tighter, bringing his hands to her chest and getting her to moan again.

"Good morning beautiful." he said, kissing her neck again.

"Good morning handsome." she turned to him and went straight to his lips. They shared a long kiss. When they parted for air, he said

"What if we continue where we left last night?" Her eyes darkened.

"You mean... going for round five?" He rolled over her.

"That's exactly what I'm thinking."

Almost at midday they got out of the bed.

She put on his shirt and clean underwear and went to the kitchen to prepare something.

He came to the kitchen a few minutes later, wearing a pair of shorts and a shirt he forgot there during summer.

He came behind her, putting his hands on her hips and kissing her shoulder that was showing.

"What are you cooking?"

"Nothing special, just some leftovers from yesterday that I am combining into something."

"Leftovers?" He didn't seem very pleased with the idea.

"Oh, don't worry, it will be delicious. But you better keep your hands off of me, or I'll let it burn."

"Ok, as you wish." He sat on the couch and turned on the TV.

While Stana was cooking she was thinking about the conversation with Tamala in the previous day.

Stana was getting out of her trailer, ready to go home, where Nathan was already, when Tamala approached her.

"Hey Stana! Can I talk to you?" She stoped.

"Yeah sure why not?" Tamala stopped near her.

"You know, this last episode, he one we just finished shooting?"

"Yheah, what about it?"

"Do you remember that thing of the 'glow'? Well I asked Elizabeth how could I see that kind of glow."

"And?" This was getting awkward.

"And, this will sound awkward, and don't be mad at me, but when I was looking at you, I thought I could see it too."

Stana just stared at her friend, surprised with what she was saying.

"I don't know what you mean." She tried to do a straight face, but apparently she blushed and Tamala noticed it.

"Oh, you're with someone aren't you Stana?"

She blushed even more and looked at her watch to avoid looking at her friend.

"It's getting late, I have to go Tam." Stana started going to her car. Tam followed her.

"You know you could tell me! I wouldn't tell anyone! Besides, I'll find out anyway!"

Stana gave her one last glare, got in her car and went home.

"Okay Nathan, I finished cooking!" She called him, taking her mind out of that conversation.

They both sat and ate the meal she prepared.

In the afternoon they both sat one the couch watching a movie. And then another one. Soon they were in their third movie and Stana was asleep on his shoulder.

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