Idk Love pt.2

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Idk Love
"Eddie Bear have you packed all your bags" Sonia Kaspbrak says in a sweet gentle voice "yes mumma coming down now" Her son Eddie Kaspbrak says in a soft voice "i don't understand mumma, why are we moving away" Eddie said once more "because of your father dear" is all she said before grabbing her own bags and heading off to their car. Eddie kaspbrak is 16 yet he still speaks to his mother like he's 10, his mother Sonia is very protective of her little boy, since her father went missing she shoved pills down his throat and acted like he had a bunch of different illnesses, she didn't want to loose the last person she had left in her life so she made up shit to make it seem like Eddie needed her, it doesn't work tho Eddie knows exactly what she is doing and as soon as he is 18 he is leaving home. They drove atleast 4 hours before they finally stopped to get something to eat and drink from a local gas station. Eddies head was all over the place, i hope i'll have friends, i wonder what the place is like, everyone will probably hate me, i hope no one is mean to me, fuck my mum, whyd she have to move us, why'd she have to be such a pussy can't she just deal with the fact he's gone, this was what was in Eddies mind and more. 3 hours more of driving in the night and they finally made it to their new house, Eddie was too tired to even look at the house as it was 1am and his usual bedtime was 10pm, the moving van had already unpacked all their stuff in the house so Eddie could go sleep straight in his bed and sort out what room was what in the morning so that's what he did. 7 hours later and Eddie was awake, he remembered where he was and slowly and steadily trotted downstairs towards his mother, "how did you sleep Eddie Bear" his mum said "i slept ok mummy, what's for breakfast" Eddie said still a little sleepy "i'm making pancakes dear, but after breakfast and you have a shower i need you to go pick up your medication from the local pharmacist" his mother said sweetly but sternly "ok mummy" Eddie said as he sat down at the dining table waiting for his pancakes.

About an hour later Eddie went to go to the local pharmacist "Eddie dear aren't you forgetting something" his mother said from the living room "sorry mummy" He said as he made his way over to his mother, Sonia pointed to her cheek and eddie kissed where she pointed and said bye. He walked down his street and into town until he spotted the pharmacist his mother was talking about, Eddie walked in observing everything inside, his mother had told him she had rang up and ordered another asthma puffer and his medication. Eddie walked up to the front desk and no one was there so he rang the bell, when all of a sudden someone popped up from below the shelf he was tall and had really curly hair but it was gorgeous, he had brown eyes with little specs of gold in them and he was just drop dead gorgeous "h-h-hi, s-someone rang u-up ab-bout some m-medication" Eddie stuttered out "aha chill kid yeah i've got it" the other boy behind the counter said "s-sorry" Eddie said in a low voice "don't be its ok cutie" The taller one said as eddie started to blush, stop it eddie, stop it, don't blush, eddie thought as the boy cane back to give him his puffer and medication "i haven't seen you before, are you new?" he said "Yes, got here last night" eddie said without stuttering "thought so" the tall one said "well i'll see you around, uh what's your name" he said looking right into Eddies eyes "uh, it's E-Eddie" he said feeling nervous now "alright well i'm Richie, but you can call me yours" richie said smirking and winked eddie cringed at that and said "we just met no" eddie said as looked back up at richie "i'll see you around ed's" richie said as he was starting to walk off and was smirking "don't call me ed's that's weird" Eddie scrunched his nose up and said before richie left "you love it ed's" is all he said before walking out of sight leaving poor eddie in awe alone.

The whole way back home all Eddie could think about was that boy who worked in the Pharmacist, he is genuinely beautiful, i wonder if he's gay, do i like him, no i just met him WHAT! Eddie, ok stop stop stop, he was just teasing, Fuck! He didn't know how to feel about this. Eddie didn't realise this but had gone around the block of his house three times thinking about the boy in the pharmacist, Richie, Richie was his name, a cute name to match a cute face. He realised he'd been out for far too long and now had to come up with an excuse, eddie walked through his front door as his mother tilted her head back "eddie bear is that you" sonia said as her chair she always sat in squeaked "yes mumma" he said plain and sweet "why were you out for so long i was getting worried" the fat woman said "i just got stuck talking to someone they said they'd show me around town" he said completley lying "ok dear just be safe" she said as she turned her focus off eddie and back onto the tv in front of her, eddie sighed in relief and went upstairs to pick a room and unpack all of his stuff. Eddie thought back to the moment earlier that day when he first laid eyes on the tall boy he hasn't been able to stop thinking about for the past 3 hours, he imagined everything back in his mind, he was wearing a white unbuttoned shirt with blue floral patterns, his hair was curly and unstyled like he just got out of bed and his hands, his hands were big, surely big enough to wrap around eddies small wrist, but eddie just wonders if he will see the said boy in Derry high the place he's supposed to be going in two days.

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