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I wake up and Diego wasn't beside me, I got up and realized I was naked. I saw Diego's shirt laying on the floor so I put it on and underwear. I walked downstairs and Diego was feeding Caleb.

I go behind Diego and rap my arms around his neck and kiss his cheek.

" Mommy" Caleb yells, wait that was his first time calling me mommy.

" He called me mommy" I squeal jumping up and down. Diego pulls me in his lap so I would stop jumping around

" Say it again, say mommy" I say with a big smile on my face.

" Mommy" he says giggling

I started crying because I'm a mother I'm gonna cry when my son calls me mommy for the first time.

" Babe are you crying" Diego says looking at me chuckling.

" Y-yeah I'm just happy" I say chuckling.

Diego raps his arms around me tighter and kisses my neck.

" Dada " Caleb yells clapping his hands and giggling

" I'll get in the shower and let you finish feeding Caleb" I say getting out of Diegos lap.

I walk upstairs, take my shower and do my morning routine then change into

I put my hair in a messy bun and no make up since I'm not going anywhere today

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I put my hair in a messy bun and no make up since I'm not going anywhere today.

I walk downstairs and Diego was sitting on the couch with Caleb beside him.

" Babe what are you wearing" he says looking at me

" Clothes and no one is gonna see me so you can't tell me to go change" I say walking over to him sitting in his lap.

" Uhh okay but if you go anywhere you better change first" he says raising an eyebrow at me.

I nod and lay my head on his shoulder. I started to trace his abs with my finger because he was still shirtless.

" Are you horny or something" Diego says chuckling

" We need to talk" I say looking at him

Diego pov

Oh shit!! That's never good!! Oh fuck, what did I do now!!

End pov

" Okay, umm do you want to be in Caleb's life" I ask

" Of course I do, if I didn't I wouldn't be here right now" he says

" Do you want to be in mine" I ask looking down

Oh fuck what am I doing, wait can he here me.

Diego lifts my head up to look at him and he kisses me

" I'm offended you asked me that, all I ever wanted was to be in your life. "


" So with that being said will you be my girlfriend" he says looking deeply into my eyes

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