Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea

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Waters--- Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea.

• 10,000 miles under the sea, a level no human has ever dared to go. Number 1, it isn't even humanly possible to go down that far, and Number 2, who even knows what's down there. Who would even by dumb enough to go discover a place that God in the first place made humanly impossible to discover? Captain Britton Douglas is your answer. A man without any fears, a man who smiles at death, a guy who never worries about anything. He wasn't always this way though. He at a time to had hope. Hope for a future, for life. But in 2020, there isn't much hope left.


• What happened? Our world, our planet, once such a wonderful place, gone. No one is to blame, it's no ones fault, it just kinda happened. Some say economy, wars, but it's much deeper than that. To be exact, it's 10,000 miles down. All the signals, all the signs, all the callings, all the signs read something, something awful deep down below. How do we get down there? No human is smart enough to build a machine that is able to withstand 10,000 miles of pressure on top of it. So many questions, yet no answers. The only question that came to my mind is why? Why now? Why ever? Everything is being wasted just to see what's down there. Lives, money, food, electricity, water, EVERYTHING is going into this. The farthest we can reach is 5,000 miles. It's useless, but you must have hope, that's why I'm here. Captain Britton Douglas at your service. They said they need someone who will be there no matter what the consequences are, death, hah. I smile at it. It's just simply entering Gods world, a place with no more pain, misery, or suffering. On Earth, you are simply just fighting a battle for what you believe in, and heaven is your reward. What's more sweeter than that? Well, you wouldn't expect a guy like me to have hope. No man is to have hope, but face their destiny and have no feelings. Why they chose me, with all my feelings? Because I have courage. I know what to fight for. Whatever is down there won't hold me back. I will fight it, bring hope once more to our dead world. So many different plans have been thought up on how to get down there, but all are almost impossible or just plain stupid. For instance, a submarine sounds like a perfect idea right? Wrong! No metal ever found will ever be able to withstand 10,000 miles of pressure. What about a tunnel down? Never gonna work, no suit can go 10,000 miles down either. You always hear how rocks can sink down low, so why not attach a camera to it? It will shatter && we have no definite coordinates to where the signals are coming from. All we can honestly do is wait. Wait for a sign, an idea, anything to set us on the right path. I'm starting to maybe think God had it that far down so no one will ever know, always will remain a mystery to us. We could leave our story at that, but then, what kinda story would that be?


12 weeks later.
• Monday, June 6th, 2020. A plan, a plan that simply either showed our world was gonna survive or not. It determined whether we can still have hope for life or if we should just face that we all will have an awful life. I, of course, always seem to be the only one left with a smile on my face. What do I have to worry about? Nothing. I mean sure, its scary to think about death && dying && not always a pleasant subject to talk about, but we all will die eventually. Our plan, a plan that has doubters, but believers. A submarine? A tunnel? A camera on a rock? None. Our plan was to send a missile down. Now this isn't any ordinary missile, far from that. It's a missile with programming && a passage for someone inside && able to travel 10,000 miles down to the bottom of the deepest, darkest part of Earth. It will be programmed with the mind of one million computers && security of one thousand security guards && the speed of 2,565 miles per hour, which will allow the metal we chose to use never dent the outer shield && the speed so we just cut through the water. It will be programmed to at mile 9,999 to stop, search the area, make sure safe, && turn camera on to show what is down there to our staff. How long will it take to make a machine like this? 15 weeks. How long should it of taken a year ago when we got the signal? 30 years. You see, technology changes crazily over just a 1 year span, && our scientists are much more intelligent && more knowledgeable of the pressure && our equipment needed && how to get down there. On exactly October 31st, 2020, will be the 1 year anniversary of the signals sent to us 10,000 miles down to the core of Earth. What a day it was. Everyone shivering in their skin knowing something is under us. All the callings, the signs, the "Ya". Scientist Calvin Berger had gotten connected to these signals from Japan. He had 20 computers, 50 satellites, 10 microphones, 100 people staff that day. On the 31st, at 1:11 PM, Dr. Berger sent a message through the microphone asking, "Are you there?" The reason he had chosen these words was because of a recent experiment. He had tested with a chemical found on a planet awhile back && found if you ask an unknown thing or species a question with the sound of fear in your voice, it can answer just by understanding your fear. At 2:37 PM, through a microphone, repeated twice, came through as almost a voice of a very dark, low, shivering up your back kinda voice was "Ya." Ya. Ya. Ya. That word ran through my mind over && over. Ya. The fear, the agony, the nightmare that something could survive down there, 10,000 miles down. Before this, the deepest part we ever uncovered in history was 2,000 miles. The farthest life can survive is 900 miles down. But 10,000? Not possible! Nothing human can ever survive 10,000 miles of pressure on top of them. That's what scared everyone out of their skin. Whatever was down there wasn't human at all. Now, I'm not saying there are aliens, because they don't exist. I'm not saying monsters either, because there are no such thing, but something is down there. Something that made uneasy feelings rise up in me. Something or someone is down there, && it's my mission to find out who.

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