- And you ask to be your girlfriend to your sister, you're a pervert.- Lys laughs.

- Do not blame me friend, you are very pretty. Alex says with a smile.

- Alex, can I ask you something? - Sure Lys. - Can I go to your house at Christmas? I don't want to be at my house that day. - Alex becomes serious, as if bad news should come out of his mouth.

- There is nothing I would like more, that you are in my house at Christmas. But my family is going on a trip as soon as classes are over. We are going to spend the season at my grandparents' house, who live in the south, we even have the plane tickets. - Lys is sad to hear that. Alex hugs her and asks her. - Is your mother hitting you again?

- Yes, but now he does it for no reason. Last night I arrived drunk, I asked if there is food, but I grab my hair and pull it hard. I scream in my ear saying to myself. "There is no food for you, I didn't get a job so don't ask me for food." It is awful. I don't even know why he hits me. I don't want to talk to her anymore, because if I do she hits me, and when she calls me it's to hit me. - Lys starts crying. But Alex can't do anything for his friend. I go out and lend her his shoulder. The door to the roof sounds, it was a couple that was coming.

"Hey, why is that girl crying?" Says a thin girl with short hair. - Did you hit your girlfriend? - Mint, don't get involved in that matter. Says a skinny boy. - But Bent, don't you see that this girl is crying? Should he have done something to her? Like offended her for getting a bad grade in a group job! Or maybe he told her that his favorite singer is Gay. - Alex interrupts saying. - This does not concern them. And no, I would never hurt Lys, she is like my sister.

- Hey bro, says bent. Here, give him this. "He takes a candy out of his pockets." It's mint, that will help him calm down a bit. And sorry for the interference, but we were looking for a place to eat, because the entire patio is full.

- Thanks.- Alex removes the wrapper and gives it to Lys, after a short time she stops crying.

- Doesn't it bother us that we stay here? Mint says.

- Don't worry.- Alex says we are going to eat too. - Alex takes his food out of his bag, so does Bent.

- Ten Mint I hope you like it - I always like what you do.- Mint opens the food and starts to eat, she shows on her face that the food was to her liking. - LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, this is the taste of true love. - Thanks Mint.-

Lys seeing the girl's reactions does not avoid asking a question. - Excuse me, but are you dating?

- Mint with his mouth full responds: Rather we are a couple, we have lived together for a year. We are what adults call lovers. We know that it is rare for two students to live together, and the truth does not matter to us, we do nothing wrong. -Bent stops eating and says: - If we are both a couple, and we live with my little sister. My parents divorced, they went to live with their respective lovers, and they left me the house and a maintenance. And Mint's family lives in another city, for work reasons.

- Do you really live together? This seems to have come out of a Japanese Anime series! Alex says doubtfully.

- Yes, even if you don't believe it, it's the truth. And if you wonder, we also have sex from time to time, but with protection. - Bent, why do you say that? I'm ashamed that you say so. - Mint calm is not that he is watering the pack of photos.

And how does sex feel? Lys asks. - Mint gets up and approaches Lys and speaks in his ear. - Friend feels incredible, it is the best thing you can do with your boyfriend, if he tells you he wants to do it. do not be ashamed, you will not regret it. When you finish you relax better than in a spa. - Lys going those whispers make him feel uncomfortable. And it makes a disgusted face.

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