Final Update

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Hello Everyone!

I know, it's been a while. I want you to know that through my long hiatus, I have read all of your comments and have felt your support, and I could not be more grateful to you. I wanted to post this last update to say that as much as I love this story, I think it has come to an end. I started writing this as a lost college student with no outlet and too many thoughts about Supergirl, and I now feel trapped by poor story planning. By the end of the first few chapters, I felt like I was scraping the bottom of the bucket for places to go with my story: I lost my narrative. I know so many of you have asked for updates on this story, and I feel I have let you down by not being able to give you that. However, if you have liked my writing thus far, I invite you on a new journey. I recently watched the season finale, (and then I watched it again), and I feel a renewed sense of imagination. Soon I will be starting a new story on this account, and if you choose to join me, I hope you will enjoy it. Until then, stay safe. 

Additionally, I hope this message is reaching you all well. I am writing this on May 19, 2020, in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic. Please stay safe, and wash your hands!



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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2020 ⏰

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