Candies & Cuddles

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A word that in Xue Yang's mind was nothing more than a desperate and cringey thing that maidens used to pretent from their boyfriends or whichever man was willing to take the task, a thing that he never experienced in his life, only filled with murder, lies, and pain.

That's what he was used to on a daily basis, the worst consuming his days and filling his heart with darkness and  sins, his mind clouded by those feelings and his heart now a stone.



He killed countless people, kids, ladies, innocents and guilty, he didn't care.

He made so many experiments in the Lanling Sect and kept his lifestyle even after. For him it was just normal, he didn't knew anything beside all his bad experiences filled with nothing more than violence and blood.

Until then.

Until he met Xiao XingChen on his way.

Until their paths crossed in the most funny way they could've met, his eternal rival saving him from the death.

It was wonderful, he thought, he could have toyed with him as much as he wanted! Trick him, tease him... Hurt him from inside and tear him apart piece by piece without mercy, his days now bright and filled with resolve in contrast with the boring lifestyle he previously had.

He wasn't homeless, he had food and money.

And the funny part was that he didn't even needed them but he just got everything for free, by just telling silly jokes that even kids were immune to.

But not him.

How boring must have been Daozhang's life to laugh at something like a dog swimming in a lake because he wanted to play with a duck?

Very much.
Well, if Song Lan was even more dense than him it meant that Xiao XingChen never heard a single joke in his entire life.

That was sad.

But after spending their time together... Something in Xue Yang changed.

The previous hatred toward the Taoist Priest changed into something else, an emotion Xue Yang could not describe as it was foreign and dangerously damaging the armor that kept is heart as it was.

He was scared. For the first time since he was young, he was genuinely scared.

He was a genius, his mind brilliant, but somehow he couldn't piece together what was happening to his body.

His heart beating for the first time as a human being, faster, in a way that made his head dizzy and not in the way it used to when Jiangzai pierced someone.

Whenever Xiao XingChen smiled he wanted to see more: he wanted to see his cherry lips grow in the widest of the smiles, his crystalline voice echoing in the Coffin House and filling the small place with it's purity and happiness.

He wanted to see his pale skin tainted with a rosy flush and the tip of his ears burning in embarrassment whenever Xue Yang took his jokes too far.

He acknowledged A-Qing as part of their family despite knowing she was lyiand could perfectly see, and as much as she was an amazing actress sometimes her expression betrayed her, reflecting his own image in her white eyes: reflecting Xue Yang laughing like a happy child, showing his cute canine and enjoying even the dumbest thing his Daozhang did.

Never in his life Xue Yang thought his life could've been like this, he never imagined himself with a family, enjoying his daily almost married life without worries, playing games all over and telling the dumbest things, doing groceries and helping.

Damn, he even started to spoil his XingChen and A-Qing, from buying meals and bandages to buy make up and jewelry to a girl he didn't even knew.

The armor that kept his heart safe for so long now shattered into pieces, Xue Yang remembered well how it broke down: when Xiao XingChen kissed him.

Xue Yang unconsciously traced his finger on his lips, the ghost of his lover's sweet flavor still lingering against his skin.

He remembered how XingChen, with a blush and trembling hands reached out to cup his face and planted a butterfly kiss on his mouth, not knowing at all what he was doing and getting ashamed when Xue Yang pointed out that that was how kids used to kiss, in a sweet mocking way filled with a new ray of hope, delighted.

The kid within him enjoyed that small peck a way too much, and after some giggles he guided XingChen into a full kiss filled with love and passion, kiss that XingChen learned to lead way too quickly and that made Xue Yang leave everything behind: his emotions now flowing free from their worries.

He remembered how he surrendered into the kiss, moaning and following XingChen's lead in a way he never thought it could have been real, blindly searching for his lips with his own as he had his eyes shut tight to savor every second of that magic moment.

Xue Yang finally understood what those new emotions that were flowing into his heart raw, seizing the darkness and lightning his life, were: love. Affection. Trust.

He loved XingChen with his whole being.

That's why he was currently laying with his back resting on XingChen's firm chest, letting the Daozhang play with his hair and whisper the sweetest bullshit he had ever heard but that he couldn't live without: cheek flushed and breathy giggles as they both cuddled like two koalas, lost in their own happiness, drunk with their love.

"Daohzang," Xue Yang purred, reaching his lover's hand to shove a small present into his palm, brushing his fingers in the process, "for you."

XingChen's face lit up, he was used to receive gifts from his lover but that one, wrapped in a small silk bag, seemed to be different.

"What is that for?"

XingChen asked with a smile, excited as his long fingers carefully reached the present.

"You'll see~"

Xue Yang chirped in excitement as the Daozhang felt what was in his hand.

Xue Yang kissed the tip of his nose, his cheeks, his face all over, gently rubbing his hand over the present.

It was a necklace with a moon shaped medal made by fine silver.

Pairing with the moon, Xue Yang held another necklace, Daozhang couldn't see but it was a golden candy.

XingChen was trembling as his fingers traced the letters engraved in both the gifts: the moon held the name "XingXing" while the candy had the name "YangYang".

"I wanted to get us matching jewelry to always remind whom we belong to," Xue Yang gently explained.

"And because I want us both to always be together. I... I'm not good with those kind of words, but Daozhang, you are the moon that lit up my dark, hopeless life. And I hope to be the candy that made your days sweeter~"

Xue Yang was blushing, and XingChen was crying.

" A-Yang, love... " his words were cut by a kiss in which Xue Yang giggled enthusiastically.

" Thank you " XingChen murmured as the younger hang the candy around his neck.

" Happy QiXi, Daozhang ~"

He purred as XingChen put the moon around his neck.

To them, words weren't necessary.

They could've hear their heart beating in sync, the could share the unspoken feelings filling their hearts.

"Happy QiXi, A-Yang."

Daohzang smiled softly between their kisses, sighing contently while his heart was throbbing with happiness.

"Next year, my turn~"

Kiss after kiss, Xue Yang learned that cuddles, if shared with your half, weren't that bad.

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