Talking time💛

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Addison's PoV
It was time to tell Bryce I am honestly terrified, like on one hand I know Bryce loves me and all that but on the other hand Bryce is Bryce he loves to party get drunk have fun what if wants to do that instead of be with me and the baby. I got a text from Delilah saying Bryce was on his way up, brace your self Addi this will be tough.

Bryce came through the door and came over and gave me a kiss, I felt sick.
A:Hey Bryce we need to talk about something
B:Yeah sure can I get changed quick because I hate wear proper trousers
A:Yeah sure
I giggled I think that releaxed me a bit just to laugh, he came and sat next to me. I started getting a bit stressedat this point and Bryce could tell
B:Addison what ever it is I'll love you no matter what, unless you cheated
A:No I didn't cheat you know I wouldn't
B:Yeah I know so that means you know I'll love you no matter what
A:I'm pregnant
B:Your pregnant
A:I get you think this ruined your life and that Sinai used stand if you want to leave bec-
He cut me off and gave a me a very long kiss
B:Addi I'd never leave you, and I'm going to love this baby as much as I love you
A:So you want to keep the baby and not leave me
B:Of course I do if that's want you want to Addi and again I'd never leave you
A:You know I do t know why I was so stressed because you are the best and the love of my life Bryce Hall
B:And your the love of my life Addison Eaststerling
A:I suppose we should go tell everyone
At this point I was crying a bit
B:Why are you crying Addi
A:Because I'm so happy
B:Me too
I saw I tear in his eye I just didn't say anything because he doesn't like too cry.

Delilah PoV
I saw Addi and Bryce walking downstairs, my heart stopped for a sec then I saw she was smiling which made me feel better.
Ad:Hey guys can we talk to you
And with that every one came and sat in the living room. Ryland came and sat by some and have my hand a squeezed because he could tell I was nervous.
Ad:So me and Bryce wanted to tell you that we are pregnant
Everyone ran up to them and congratulated them, me, Avani and Ryland said back as we had already do this so we wanted to give everyone else a chance.
B:Are guys not happy for us?
Everyone went quite
De:No we are but we already knew so we wanted to give everyone else a chance to say congrats
B:Oh sorry D
D:It's ok and I have him a hug
R:Dude I'm so happy for you guys
B:Thanks buddy and how did you guys know before me
D:Well Ryland thought it was mine when it wasn't
Michael:That means you two have done it
D:Shut the fuck up
Av:And then we worked out who's it was
Ad:How did you know it was mine
R:That's a secret we will never tell but let's just say we should be detectives
Then me Avani and Ryland started laughing.

Later on that day a few of us were sat in  Kouvrs room and Michael decided to bring up me and Ryland again.
M:So you you and Ryland have done it then
He was stood up across the room, I looked at him got up and was pinching his ear so he couldn't move and made him lay on the floor and sat on his back so he could move and said
D:Now what aren't you going to bring up again
M:How you and Ryland had sex
D:And who is the best
Then I let him go
M:You know I could have got out
D:Yeah of corse you could have
Everyone was laughing and Mia goes
Mia:You may Now be joint favourite person with Kouvr
Th:What about me
D:You have been replaced
Th:Why not replace Kouvr
K:You really wanna go there
Th: No I'm good
We all just laughed and talked till we went to bed. Me and Ryland got to his room then he said
R:You you know when you did that thing to Michael, that and how you are so kind (meaning to Addison) are the reasons why I love you
Both of us just stood there shocked for a second.
R: I mean like you
D:No you said you loved me
R:Ok fine I fucking said I love you
D:I love you too
R:I didn't think you would say it back
D: Of corse I would
(Hi so I cant remover if they have said I love you yet but let's just say this is the first time, and do anyone get the friends reference to Mondler, comment if you did)
We started making out a bit then I got up and said I go see some people
R:Really right now
D:Yeah it's important
R: Your gunna call a girls meeting and tell them that we said I love you aren't you
He said laughing
D:Yep I said giggling
I text the girls to meet me in Kovs room. Once everyone got there,
De:Guys you'll never guess what happened
Di: What
De:Ryland said he loved me
We all were doing that classic squealing girls thing and then Alex walked in
Al: What y'all doing in my room screaming
Char: Ryland told D that he loved her
Al:Wait he has never said that to a girl before
Av:What about Mia you guys dated for a while
Mi: Nah he never said it but neither did I to be fair
I felt so special because everyone just kept saying how he must really love me and I hope he does, we just went back to our rooms and let's just say me and Ryland were busy (I am not writing a smut😂)

Hey just so that's the end of that chapter what did you think? Please comment some ideas of what could happen and whether Addison and Bryce should have a boy or girl! And anyone's ideas I use I will tag so you can have credit so please comment as I am struggling with Ideas
PS also vote please 💛

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