I somehow managed to convince her to meet me at the bus stop every Friday, after her school week ended. I remember crossing out the dates on the calendar, counting the number of days till Friday over and over again even though I clearly knew that they weren't going to change after counting them one extra time.

We spent our Fridays together, talking about everything we could in a single day. We always carried Ice creams on each of our hand, hers were always vanilla-strawberry and mine was always the same chocolate-chip and there would be a comfortable distance between each other.

I used to carry her black Gregory backpack on my right shoulder and her thick biology book on my left hand as I matched my speed with hers and just walked together wherever our legs directed us to.

We occasionally took short bus rides and ate at small ramyun shops. We didn't question our relationship since it was comfortable enough to be at such an unspeakable relationship. We called each other 'close friends' when our nosy friends tried to probe on our bond.

But that day soon came by, September 22nd; it was judgment day for me. I practiced my line repeatedly in front of the mirror before wanting to dive in head-first.

There goes nothing...

"Ye Jin-ah"

Ye Jin who was wrapped in multiple fuzzy shawls turned back to look at me. She gave me a beautiful eye smile, questioning me silently.

"Okay..." I remember forgetting everything I wanted to say but my mouth just automatically opened to confess my feelings to her.

"This is going to be really childish, but I think I like you. No, I love you. I know that you might think that this is just infatuation, but I...I...just don't think that we can't love just because we're young."

I had no idea what came into me, but words kept spilling out of my already revealed heart. She didn't speak, she didn't move heck- she didn't even blink.

"I...I...Can you hold onto me before it's too late before I grow older?"

The very next second my world stopped, she- that girl I loved tiptoed right in front of me, trying to match up to my height. She puckered her luscious pink lips and softly crashed them on mine.

Everything happened so fast that I didn't even have time to react. I stood there like a statue trying to piece all the information together. I still cannot believe, I was that naïve at the age of twenty.

That was my very first kiss and the most- well one of the most beautiful moments of my life. And the kiss embarked on our journey as a couple a young couple. We were at the age that people preferably thought that Love was not possible. People around called it puppy love, but I thought differently.

I thought that we would last together forever, that we could walk together forever hand in hand without any problems to face.


Twenty-one came in like a wrecking ball. Ye Jin and I were a happy couple, sure we had occasional squabbles, but we always ended up together by the end of the day. Things were sailing fine till one day; something just had to go wrong between the both of us – and to be honest, up till now, I do not know what truly went wrong.

My lover graduated from high school soon enough and enrolled in the same university as me- and that was when the problems started.

"Who was that guy?!"

Just a friend she said, a friend that seemingly appreciated her more than I ever would she said. A friend who understood her feelings and cared for her more than a freaking friend should.

"Bin, he's just a close friend"

"Bullshit! I have seen the way he looks at you Ye Jin!"

The word 'close friends' made me sick. I knew what 'close friends' was, we once had that label too. And we both knew that we had something going on between us.

"I can't stay with a guy who doesn't appreciate me! And don't you have many other girls waiting for you back at the cheer club? Don't you dare think that I don't know what you've been up to behind my back!"

Being the star player of the football team, it was normal to have a bunch of cheers leaders following you around. It wasn't a big deal, all they did was some harmless flirting- it really wasn't that deep.

I would honestly never cheat on her, but for some reason I just had to fight back. A man's ego was deadly, and I didn't know the effects of it till the second I lost my significant other half.

"Ye Jin, you have no idea what you're talking about right now!"

"I think we need a break Oppa" – her demeanor relaxed for the slightest, but the tears in her slightly red eyes told me that this time she was serious.

I remembered looking back at her in fury, I remembered forgetting about how much she really meant to me and I remembered the amount of pain I endured after saying those few words.

"Fine, if that's what you want. Let's break up!"

Everything was normal for the first few days. I could even say that I was slightly happy upon our breakup. Sweet freedom! Those few days made me believe that all these years' movies and dramas had been over-exaggerating the grief of breakups.

I didn't feel a thing; life was still good without her- but that only lasted for the first five days.

Waking up on the morning of the sixth day I felt that as if an important piece of me had suddenly went missing. My heart was heavy, and my mind was blank of everything except my Ye Jin.

Within the span of a few days, I became an overly sensitive man who anti-socialized himself from his group of friends. I spent days in loneliness- at the pavements that we once walked together.

I guess I was hoping to find someone else who was just like her; but it was clear that she was tattooed deep into my heart. No matter how hard I tried to push her thoughts to the back of my mind, I couldn't do it.

I could not forget her~

Those were the days I realized that I couldn't function without Ye Jin in my life. Every day just got worse- my will to live life to the fullest diminished as time went by.

my inner voice kept telling me that 'if it's not her, I can't go on.' There wasn't going to be another person in this universe who I could love as much as I loved her.

I remembered checking my phone over and over again, hoping that she would have left me a call. But the call never came, I only ended up feeling more grief as I saw the wallpaper of my iPhone; we looked so in love and happy in those pictures.

What really happened between us? We were so happy.

I remembered the way she walked past me, just like strangers would. We tried our best to avoid each other as much as we could since it was painful to look at her smiling at another guy. She was a beautiful girl, she had guys flocking her in rejoice the moment she declared

And I thought that we were over- over for good.


To be continued...

A/N: Hello, everybody. I hope you enjoyed this short chapter, I wanted to write happy Binjin for a while now. Too much angst was getting to me :) Thank you for reading the entire chapter and please write any comments you have, I love reading all of them.

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