"Get back here!" He demanded, but Alice didn't listen. She kept running upstairs, closing and locking her bedroom door. "Get back here!" Todd sighed in absolute frustration. Kara's first instinct was to stay. She wasn't given any orders to go upstairs to talk to Alice. But her body thought differently. Just after one slight step, Todd pointed her way. "You stay!" He yelled before going in the living area, grumbling to himself, angry.

Kara did has told, her hands behind her back. But this wasn't right. Staying by and watch this dad beat his father. If she didn't do something quick, this could happen every single day. Kara couldn't allow this. She had to do something, but she couldn't. It was has if she was paralyzed.

Or was.

Seconds after given the demand, Kara felt something and looked as if she saw something too. An invisible red wall. At first she didn't know what to do. Does she break it, risking being taken and reset again? Or does she obey the demand she was given? Not even a second thought came to mind has Kara felt herself "pushing" the wall, trying to break it down.

You gotta safe her.

Safe her now.

It wasn't long til the wall "broke", making Kara feel weird inside and out. She wasn't "paralyzed" anymore. She was able to disobey commands and demands. She looked at her arms and hands, confused by the new feeling. Confused soon turned into determination has she made a new demand for her.

Saving Alice.

At first, Kara didn't know how to handle the situation. What was gonna give her 100 percent success. One choice is to go up to Alice's room with weapons or without. The other choice is to reason with Todd, though realizing what he did to have Kara reset last time, that was more risky. Taking a deep breathe, the android walked off, slowly and quietly, managing not to get the attention of Todd. Once she made it upstairs, she quickly walked to Alice's room, opening it and walking in. After closing it behind her, she locked it, making sure Todd was locked out.

Alice looked up at Kara from her little fort she had made, fear in her eyes. "It's okay" Kara assured Alice, bending down to her eye level. "I won't let him hurt you. You just gotta trust me." Kara met Alice's eyes, hand hand extended so Alice could take it. After seconds of thinking, Alice grabbed a hold of the Android's hand, being helped onto her feet. "Okay, look we don't have-"

"Alice, Daddy is very angry!" The two heard Todd yell from downstairs as if on cue. Kara heard Todd's footsteps downstairs going towards the staircase. Fuck. Kara scanned the room, finding possible ways to escape. All she could come up with was go down the window. She squeezed the girl's small hand for reassurance before rushing towards the window. Opening it, she picked up the small girl, helping her out onto the roof. Kara was about to make her way outside when a bang could be heard. Todd had banged on the locked door so hard it broke off it's hinges. He immdiantly saw Kara and Alice making there escape. "You!" He yelled, pointing at Kara.

Kara had whispered to Alice, telling her to go, showing her the possible ways to make it down safely. Has Kara was close to getting her full body put the window, she felt a big arm wrap tightly around her ankles. Shiet. She was roughly pulled back inside by Todd, who threw he to the ground immdiantly. He pinned her down to the ground, throwing punches ebery second. Fortunantly, Kara dodged most of the punches, which made Todd's fist break some of the wooden floor. When finally seeking her chance, she pushed the man off her, grabbing the first hard object she could find. A book. She backed up to the window, making sure once she had a chance, she wouldn't have to run far to her escape.

Todd walked towards her, not seeming threatened by the so-called weapon in hand. He threw another punch before Kara could hit him, which Kara dodged, making his fist meet the hard wall. The man groaned loudly in pain, holding his hand that was hurt. Her chance finally came. Kara didn't hesitate has she repeatedly whacked the man on the head and back with the book, making him fall to the ground.

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