4 | kids & ice cream

Start from the beginning

You sent him a glare, silently telling him to watch his language as you took Akemi's hand, the kids' talking starting to get louder as you neared the front of the shop. It wasn't the warmest, but it was a rare warm day out of the later days in October, and you were grateful the parents of the kids you walked behind knew better than to dress them in tank tops.

When you reached the door you stood in front of it, getting the kids' attention with two claps.

"When we get in there everyone only gets one scoop, okay? Talking to you, Raama." You said, looking at the six year old son of Chargebolt, another hero in the top 100.

"Yes, Miss Y/N." He said, hanging his blonde and black streaked head in shame, everyone giggling as you thought back to when he ordered a ten-scoop sundae. You almost let him eat it all so he could puke and learn his lesson, but you knew that Chargebolt wouldn't have let that slide(you thought he was way too overprotective and extremely sensitive when it came to his son), so you only let him eat two scoops before you took it away.

"And what do we do when we're done eating?" You asked them, leaning down to ruffle Raama's hair so that he would perk up a little bit.

"Clean up our mess!" The twelve kids chorused, smiles all on their faces as you let them into the shop.

They all ordered their one scoop, making sure Raama only got one scoop, even with his puppy dog eyes. You wouldn't budge. You had taken Nagatsuki back into your arms when Bakugou asked what you wanted.

"Chocolate, please!" You yelled over your shoulder, herding the kids into a booth while you handed Yuri the three year old so she wouldn't run off, walking over to grab a high chair and setting her in it.

When all the kids had gotten their ice cream you finally let out a breath you didn't know you were holding in, putting your hands on your hips as you stood in front of the large booth, every kid silent as they ate.

You took a seat on a chair you'd pulled up, waiting for Bakugou to return as an empty one sat next to you. There was an easy silence in the air, every child in front of you engrossed in their ice cream.

Bakugou walked up to you, not taking in the fact that his hand had found your exposed upper back when he handed you your ice cream, this one with two scoops. This completely sent the kids into a frenzy. Bakugou was able to get them to calm down with one look, which you found slightly concerning.

"You're not gonna get anything?" You asked, taking the plastic bowl from his hands as taking a bite, sighing in content as you savoured the taste.

"No, I'm good. I have a diet." He said, running his free(the one on your back still unnoticed) hand through his very spikey hair.

"Oh? What's your job?" You asked, taking another bite as he tensed. You were trying to play stupid so he wouldn't sense that you'd seen the video.

He sat in the chair you'd pulled up for him as all of the kids started babbling, Bakugou once again calming them down with one look from his crimson eyes.

"Uncle Suki is a hero!" Akemi said, her arms flying up into the air, her mouth full of ice cream.


"He's Dynamight!" Raama said, lighting up at the chance to talk about heroes.

You started to cough, choking on your ice cream. You hadn't meant to, but comprehending the fact that you were standing next to the number seven hero had suddenly sent your brain into a spiral. 


"Miss Y/N? What's wrong?" Fumi asked, the other kids looking at you while they ate their ice cream, finally registering Bakugou's hand on your back that was rubbing circles into it.

"I-I'm okay guys." You stammered out, finally getting a breath of air in.

They resumed eating in peace, not caring to go on about the topic any further.

You looked up at Bakugou, who's face didn't seem to read any emotion. You were wondering how the kids knew, even though a lot of the time they were incredibly perceptive, they were still as dense as a box of rocks sometimes.

"How do the kids know?" You asked him, taking in a shaky breath as his hand left your back and was shoved into his pocket.

"I went to school with their annoying ass parents. Akemi and Kyauta's hair-for-brains dad is the only one I really tolerate though." He said, sighing out the last part.

"Oh, so you just weren't going to tell me that you know all of these kids because you're a hero whose friends with their hero parents?"

"No, I just- ugh. It was nice not having someone pestering me for a fucking autograph half the time just because I'm fucking Dynamight." He said, mumbling the last part so the kids wouldn't hear as much of his swearing.

You scoffed, taking another bite as the kids had started talking to one another, most of them finished and now waiting for the others to be done.

"Does it look like I care?" You asked, placing a hand on his (very)toned bicep, his gaze faltering slightly as he looked down to your hand and back to your eyes.

He didn't answer, knowing he was defeated, chewing on his bottom lip. You'd won this time, but you knew he might be close to figuring out you knew what had happened to him.

That, and everything else that was eating away at you might have just been the final nail in the coffin. You just hoped it wasn't.

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