Chapter 8

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3rd Person P.O.V.

"I-I'm sorry, what?" Izuku said as he took his hands off Pup. Pup's face turned red quickly with embarrassment, her ears even turning a shade of light pink at the tips. This was no way of revealing what he means to her in Pup's eyes. "I-I'm sorry! I- It just slipped out and I don't know why. I-I really see you as a dad figure kinda and it was heat of the moment, or however you call it... I'm really sorry-"  "Hey, don't turn into me now with your mumbling. You... see me as a father figure?" She nodded her head slightly, still embarrassed over the whole thing. "I-I'm sorry if that made you uncomfortable, Zuzu... You just... remind me of a daddy in a way... You're kind, you help me, and you make me laugh a lot! I've... never known my real mommy and daddy, so I... I thought that... you would be a good one..."  "Hey... It's okay, Cupcake! You can call me Dad all you want! You do what makes you happy!"  "Thanks Dad!" As she was about to hug him, reality set it that it wouldn't work, but she already was in too deep, so she fell through him.

"Ouch..."  "Ah! Are you okay?!"  "Yeah, never better... Just wish I could touch you."  "Oh, that reminds me!" He said while she sat up. "I was also coming to tell you I found a way for you to touch me physically!" He said, while giving out one of his signature cinnamon role smiles. "Really?! How?!"  "Well, I've learned how to turn my body into a solid form. Only thing is, normal people such as class 1-A can see me."  "That's awesome! If that's so, why can't you get into U.A. like me?"

"Well it isn't so easy... I was born quirkless, a nobody... I gave up after the doctor told me I was quirkless... And... the day I died, was when Bakugou gave me this scar." He pointed to the bright burn on his face. Because of his ghostly form, he was mostly transparent in the middle, but light blue outlined him and his features. "People can't know I'm here, because if Bakugou saw me, then taht would be bad, because he knows I'm already dead! He was at my grave for heavens sake at one point! Also, I've been recorded as 'desist'. Would be weird to have me just one day pop into U.A. and say 'Hey Kacchan! Look at me, I'm not dead in your eyes!'. Plus, my color doesn't come back, so I'm still going to look like how I look now.... Dead."  "Ah, that's true... Well for now, I can hug you in private!"

Pup's face slowly turned from happy, into a more serious expression. "Hey... Zuzu?"  "Hm?"  "Is it true that... You killed your own mom?" Izuku's face turned pale as it was brought up. In the time he's been down here, he had forgotten about his mother completely. He felt like the worst son right then and there. He stared at the petite girl, her eyes brimming with curiosity, and traces of fear.

"Where... did you hear that?"  "A new friend of mine... So it's true? Why?"  "I... I don't know..." He sighed, his voice now almost as monotoned as Aizawa's. "It was... all such a blur. I've always been different, in more ways than just being quirkless. I had a lust for blood, and by any means I would do everything in my power to get a hold on it, even if it meant killing anything. I would never harm a person, but... but I just... snapped that day. I had killed my mother, then myself. She was on accident. I was originally just going to kill myself, rid this world of a possible villain, but she interfered... I had accidentally stabbed her while trying to get her off my arm. She bled out, and that's when I knew that I was never meant to have happiness... ever. And now, *sigh*... I'm stuck here."  "Oh... I'm so sorry that happened Zuzu... Do you... Do you think you'll see her again?"  "I hope so..." Izuku got up and used his newfound powers to let Pup grab his hand. She stared in awe as her small hand was able to grab Izuku's. A big smile appeared on the little pup's face. To her, nothing changed, but to a normal person's, you could see a girl holding a floating hand. Quite a sight, indeed. "So what are you going to do about the ghost summoning? If they find out about you, they might try to get rid of you!"  "Well there's no avoiding a ghost summoning. They're going to make to closest ghost appear in front of them. I can't leave U.A., since this is the place I chose to live in for 'eternity'." He said in air quotes. "But~... I have a grand idea to get a certain Katsuki back for this ugly scar permanently plastered on my face."  "I have no idea what half of those words mean!" Pup said while excitedly throwing up her arms.

They both walked out of the dorm room and walked to the lounge area. She was greeted with Mellow calling her over. "Lolo!" She ran up and hugged her best friend. "You were gone for a while, what were you doing?" Jiro asked, curious. "Oh I was just fixing up, then I got distracted by that stupid squirrel in the window!" Jiro, Mellow, Ojiro, and Hagakure all laughed at her dog-like instincts.

"Yo, Bakubro!" Kirishima aproached Bakugou. "What, Shitty Hair?" An annoyed Bakugou answered. "Kaminari and Mina are sneaking into  the teachers' lounge as a dare, wanna come with?"  "Like hell I would! Fuck off!" Kirishima shrugged and went to follow them as they made their way to the teachers' lounge. Todoroki and Yozen were sitting next to each other, sharing some popcorn that was popped and watching a movie. Sero was making sure the stupid grape wasn't going to come out of his room by taping him to the wall, yet again, another dare. Asui, Iida, Uraraka, and Tokoyami were in the kitchen area, cooking something for the class and talking. Aoyama was uh... being Aoyama. And Kouda and Sero were having chats of their own.  Everyone was having a great time. Including Izuku as he watched his friend, or should he say "daughter" laugh and not have a care in the world. He kept constantly looking at Bakugou. He hasn't changed much at all actually. It makes him wonder if he even cared about him. He didn't look sad or anything, even if his death was just 5 months ago. Maybe Izuku just wanted some recognition from him. Maybe he still cared about his old 'friend'. He shook the idea off, completely forgetting about the idea of Katsuki even liking him a bit.

"Hey everyone!" Mina called, and started panting as Kaminari and Kirishima started bolting in the room. "What the fuck did you guys do, Pinky?" Katsuki asked in his usual tone. "Well, we did it. We got into the teachers lounge! Apparently, the sweets are heavily guarded by guard dogs, almost as if they were protected for someone!" Izuku looked over at Pup in a confusing expression. She just shrugged, not even knowing what the word 'guard' means, or 'lounge'.

"Ah, alright..." Mellow started. "Now, let's get on~ To the real truth and dare!" Everyone was excited, and they ran and sat in a circle, well the energetic ones did atleast. Yozen summoned a bottle with his quirk, since Momo used hers last time. He handed the bottle to Mellow, who took the first spin.

"Okay, truth or dare-"

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