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warnings: mature language, smut

     The alcohol smell was stronger than it ever had been before. Tina's parents must have a unique liquor cabinet, because Ruth could smell vodka, whiskey, and beer all at the same time. She could also smell a bit of tequila mixer and whatever the hell was in the punch. And fireball.

     But, nevertheless, the party thrived on. She'd arrived no later than 8:00, and by then it was still raging and wild. She hadn't seen Billy anywhere, and for some reason she wanted to ignore him. She hated the way he made her feel weak, and wanted to get out of that feeling as fast as possible. So, she was sauntering around the party in a daze. She'd already drank enough for an entire football team, so she should've been drunk off her ass. Yet, one of the downsides of her powers, she could feel everything. The headache, the nausea, and she was more aware of her surroundings and what was going on around her. Meaning, she could drink all she wanted, but stay perfectly sober. 

     It wasn't until she heard numbers being chanted outside that she walked out there in a dazed state to see that Tommy and several other guys were holding up someone on the keg. The very first person Ruth thought of was Billy, and she was most certainly correct. But, they all stopped chanting at forty-two, some people groaning and some people cheering like mad men. He'd beaten Steve's record, but not Ruth's.

     "We've got ourselves a new keg king!" Tommy screamed, handing Billy his cigarette as everyone chanted his name. Ruth remembered when they'd done the same for her, but she passed out in a bush that night so the glory was short lived. She saw that Billy was coming to the door, and quickly veered into the party. She maneuvered through people, grabbing a random cup of alcohol on the way. She chugged it, then crushed the cup and threw it to the ground. She turned around to see Billy walking straight to Steve instead of her. 

     "Oh, god," Ruth muttered. She shook her head, going that way as Steve took off his sunglasses to stare Billy down. She pushed through people, breaking up a couple that was dancing while still kissing. She finally reached Steve and Billy, pushing Steve away first.

     "Got a new keg king, Ruthie. Hargrove here beat your brothers old record," Tommy said with a wide smile, patting Billy's back. Ruth looked to Steve, the two smiling at each other.

     "Oh, really? I guess the real question is, did he beat my record?" Ruth asked, stepping towards Billy. She crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow at him. "Come on, William, spit it out. What'd you get?" He rose the cigarette to his lips, shifting his weight in frustration as he didn't want to tell her. Even though she already knew. Ruth held a hand out to Steve, and he high fived her with ease. He walked away then, Ruth tilting her head at Billy. "Alright, Tommy and friends, scram."

     "Whatever," Tommy grumbled. He and a few of the boys around Billy turned and left, but right as Billy turned to go, Ruth grabbed the collar of his leather jacket. 

     "You know, I was going to ignore you, but I've decided I'll give you the night to change my mind," Ruth told him, crossing her arms over her chest.

     "You won't regret it, angel," Billy said with a wide smile. He slipped his arms around her waist, pulling her out to the dance floor. He moved his body with and against her slowly, wanting nothing more than to show her what he can do. All the while, Ruth was trying to forget about everything in her life.

     Billy's hands were all over her. Pulling her into him, staying around her waist, roaming her body. They were everywhere except her boobs and crotch, which surprised Ruth a bit. Eventually, she could feel him beginning to kiss her neck gently, trying to pull Ruth away from dancing and to go somewhere else.

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