Dancing in the moonlight

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It was late in the night, Buck and Eddie just finished their work later than usuall because of the fire emergency, and were going home. They were both tired but decided to take a walk, just to clear out their heads and breathe in some fresh air. Today was tough, they almost lost a life of a little girl who was traped in the back of the burning house.

Eddie found her, he brought her out of the house just to figure out that Buck was still in there.

Eddie looked up at Buck, he remembered how scared he was when the house exploaded.

He cried out for his best friend trying desperately to go back in. Bobby grabbed him and pulled him close, just like he did with Buck when Eddie was traped in that whail.

He stepped closer to Buck who looked up at him and smiled, but then looked down and continued walking in silence.

They somehow ended up at a small promenade by the river. It was a little bit colder because they were close to the water but they didn't mind. The night was cloudless and they could see few stars on the sky.

Other firefighters were putting down the fire while Eddie was sitting on the ground praying for his best friend to survive. He heard Hen shouting "Buck!"

Buck made it trough the back door and was completely fine, so why is he scared even now. Scared that he will loose him just as he lost Shanon.

No, that's not right, Shanon was his wife, Buck was only his best friend.

Did he want something more with Buck?

Eddie must have been lost in his thoughts because Buck was calling out for him just a little louder.

„I'm sorry, what were you saying?“

Buck smiled „Are you okay man?“

Eddie tried to laugh it off „Why wouldn't I-

He couldn't keep his laughing face for long, he looked down and took a deep breath „You almost died out there- Bobby didn't wanna let go of me, and I-I got scared“.

He ran his fingers trough his hair and tried not to cry. Buck means so much to him. He got used to Buck being always there for him and Chris, and he couldn't imagine a life without him. A life without game and movie nights with Chris and Buck or mornings with Buck cooking for them and Chris helping him. He can't loose him.

Buck sighned „But I'm okay, am I not? I left the house before it exploaded, I'm here“.

Eddie nodded his head but he was still fighting tears. He can't help but to think that one day Buck won't make it, that he will have to carry his body out of the burning house...

„Hey, look at me...Eddie“, Buck stepped in, he was so close and Eddie finally looked at him.

Their eyes met and Buck smiled „Hi there, don't start crying now, you look ugly when you cry“.

He stared at Buck's blue eyes, there, in that sea of blue, he found peace. He felt himself relaxing, Buck was alright, he was alive, he was right in front of him.

Eddie laughed with his eyes full of tears „Well, that's not nice Buckley“.

„I'm just stating a fact Diaz“, Buck continued walking.

Eddie felt more at easy now and he wasn't going to let Buck win this round „You know i saw the news from that night! When everything colapsed, you cried out my name...You sounded like a girl!“

Eddie saw that video that same night while laying in his bed. Chris slept beside him, he didn't know what happened to his dad, but was happy to sleep with him when Eddie asked him to. The camera caught Buck trowing himself on the ground and digging trough the dirt, crying out loud and calling for help, calling for Eddie. He almost cried while watching it, now he understands that fear.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2020 ⏰

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