"I'll let you take me home, if you could beat the keg record," Ruth told him, shrugging slightly. "Which is currently held by," she flourished her face, "yours truly."

     "Wouldn't expect that from you, angel. Should be easy enough," he said, shrugging again. "What is it? Thirty seconds?"

     "A minute," Ruth told him. Billy rose an eyebrow at her in surprise, a small laugh escaping his lips.

     "You're lying," he said.

     "I'm not," Ruth answered. "New Years is wild."

     "Okay. A minute. I can do that," he said with a small nod. "Impressive, angel. Impressive."

     "Do you even remember my name? Do you know my full name?" Ruth asked. This time she wasn't wearing her name plate because she'd left it at her house. It didn't matter anyways, but it was a coincidence in that moment. Billy seemed to hesitate, his face writing fear that he'd actually just screwed up. But he smiled, tilting his head at her.

     "I can't believe you'd doubt me, Ruth Harrington," he said with ease. The cook rang for his order, Ruth's head turning to look at it. She grabbed the bag, holding it out to Billy. "I'll see you tomorrow, angel." He turned and walked out of the diner, Ruth watching as his Camaro sped away from the diner. She couldn't wipe the smile off her face, knowing the dangerous game she was playing.

     At around 8:00, Ruth finally got off for the night. She was driving home from the diner when she felt a sudden chill go down her back. She furrowed her eyebrows as it almost felt like something from the Upside Down, but they'd gotten rid of everything. As far as she was concerned, nothing had come in or out of the gate since the lab started working on it. A good five minutes after eight, Ruth got the same cold feeling in her neck. This time she slammed her brakes, taking a deep breath as her eyes were wide with fear.

     She took a step out of her car, looking to the world around her. It felt like she was in the upside down, and she could see flashes of the ashy place in her head. Her skin was riddled with goose pimples, and her heart rate was beating faster than it ever had. She finally realized that she'd slammed her brakes in front of her house, turning to see the porch light was on for her. Ruth took a deep breath, reaching into the car and grabbing her bag. She jogged up her driveway, ignoring what just happened to her.


     Halloween was the most hated holiday by Ruth Harrington. She hated that people were assholes for a day and randomly scared everyone around school. She avoided people at all costs, and would just wait to see everyone at the annual Halloween Party. This year Tina was hosting, and usually at Tina's party's, one thing went wrong.

     Ruth went through her day easily, without any hiccups. She avoided Carol and Tommy during lunch, and ate in the bleachers. But, reality caught up with her when she was walking out to her car. Billy was sitting against his, smoking a cigarette with some sort of annoyed look on his face. She wanted to ignore him, considering he was still trying to impress her.

     But, she seemed to have caught his eye. Billy had looked away from the spot he was staring at, a smirk growing on his face when he saw Ruth beginning to throw her things her car. He took another drag of the cigarette before kicking off his car to go talk to her. Right as he was about to take her wrist to spin her around, Ruth turned and caught his hand.

     "Quick reflexes," Billy said with a small laugh. "It's just me." Ruth laughed nervously, feeling whatever he was at the moment. It wasn't exactly happy, but he seemed somewhat satisfied. "So, our deal still on?"

     "Only if you're up for it," Ruth shrugged. "It'd be sad if you tried and failed."

     "Let's say I don't beat you. Do I get any reward for that?" he asked, his free hand slipping around her waist. Ruth's eyes met his, and she thought she stopped breathing in the moment. "Sensitive to my touch, are we, angel?"

     "You wish," Ruth responded with a small chuckle. Billy smirked, taking one step closer to her.

     "If I don't beat your record, I'll leave it up to you whether or not you want me to stick around," Billy told her in a low voice. "Now, if I were you, I'd let me stick around. I've got some... ideas lingering around up here about you." Ruth hummed at his words, Billy putting his mouth right near her ear. "Between you and me, I'm going insane just thinking about it." Ruth bit her bottom lip to suppress her breathing, not wanting to show him how this was affecting her. Billy pressed a light kiss to her neck, then brought his head back to look at her. "I'll see you tonight, angel." He turned and walked back to his car, Ruth grabbing the top of hers to make sure that all just happened. She breathed out a shaky breath, then pushed herself off her car. She pulled her keys from her pocket, looking to see Billy already getting into his own with his step sister climbing in, too.

     Ruth didn't know what this boy was doing to her, but she loved it. 


i thought i'd throw y'all an update
these two are chaotic as hell
very very weird mix
but i think you're going to like them

i hope you enjoyed, angels!

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