Bow To The Queen (MxF)

Start from the beginning

"Whatever Your Highness deems fit for me to do, I shall do with pleasure for I am grateful to still be alive and at the mercy of the queen," he whispered.

She put a black leather collar around his neck and buckled it before snapping a lease onto the ring at the front.

"Stand, Edri," she commanded and while he did, he still kept his head down in respect.

His heart was pounding and his breathing was coming out in pants but he loved the feeling of being leashed--literally--to Queen Ambria.

"Will you submit to me now as you have done so to your Sovereign Queen for all of your life? I will think of some other punishment if you do not consent; none of which will be your life or your hands so answer without fear of repercussion but answer now," she said with bated breath.

Truth be told, she was attracted to Edric. She had been the one to submit to her last king consort and while she was not offering the role to Edric, she did want him as her paramour.

He had lovely fair skin and light tropical colored eyes, his hair was a beautiful shade of golden blond and though he looked rugged with his tattered and dull commoners clothing, she knew that if she could just get him into a bath and some fine clothing, he would look to the world how he looked to her--a beautiful man meant to be a step behind a beautiful queen.

He finally looked up at her then, his eyes shining and he didn't have to think about it even for a moment more.

"Yes, Your Majesty. I submit and consent to you. I will for now and always as you are the most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes upon," he answered truthfully and he thought that he might have stars in his eyes.

She could feel her cheeks heat up and a smile threaten to surface but she cleared her throat, "Yes, well...flattery will get you nowhere with me, Edric. Best you stay truthful, understand?"

He chuckled and bowed again, "Of course, Your Majesty. I swear on my immortal soul to be truthful and loyal to you, and only you."

"Edric, you realize what I'm asking of you," she whispered, giving him a chance to think this through before he fully agreed, "It isn't an easy position. You will be 'the Queens Paramour'. People will set out to buy your attention, to grow close to you and then to me and then to take me from my throne. Can I trust you though I don't even know you?"

He moved forward, slowly, and though he was only a few inches taller than her six-foot, larger-than-life stature, he bent a knee and let her be above him, as she was rightfully meant to be and took her hands.

"It's you, Ambria. It's you I pledge my life and loyalty to. No one will be able to buy my loyalty because they won't have what you do."

She chuckled and ran a finger over a scar above his left eyebrow, "And what is that?"

"My heart," he answered, a distinctive look in his eyes.

"Already," she asked and was surprised if not wary about the timing.

"Since the moment I saw you. I was terrified, truth be told, but your reputation--"

She looked as though she was ready to defend herself but he pressed a finger to her plump lips.

"--I don't judge you on, not for one second because I have no idea what it takes to be in your position, but I digress--your reputation terrifies many, if not all, in your realm. But for me, I am intrigued by you. And when I heard that King Andres strayed from your side, I thought I understood because of what your subjects think they know about you--what I thought I knew.., but that was before seeing you.

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