Chapter 1

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I was thinking about what Newt was saying, trying to find out if I could figure out a reason for this place.

Grievers. Maze. Glade. "So, what do you think created this place?"

"As far as we know, it's the creators."


"Yeah. You know, people who make things."

"I know what a creator is, genius." I replied with a smart aleck tone of voice.

"Greenies these days."

There's that nickname again.

"Okay, my name is Natalia, not Greenie."

"Okay...Tali." He said adding a smirk.

I sighed from frustration. "Well it's better than Greenie." We both laughed. There was a long pause until Alby and another Glader ran up to us.

"Newt! We need you, something's wrong with Ben."

"Other than the fact he got stung by a Griever?" Alby just stood there cross-armed. "Alright, alright. Gally, stay here with Tali?"

"Sure." He sat down next to me and leaned back on the tree.

"I'm Gally." The Glader said.

"Natalia." I replied.

"You're the new," he paused. "Girl?" He asked it as if it seemed unnatural.

Then again, how could it be natural? It had been only boys for, two years.

There was a long silence that felt pretty uncomfortable.

"You seem familiar." Gally said sternly, breaking the silence.

"I feel like, I know all of you somehow. But, I don't remember anything from my old life." It seemed unnatural to say old life. Everything about this place seems unnatural.


"Did you just say my name?!"


"I-I swear I just heard someone say my name!"

"What're you talking about?! I didn't hear a single thing!"

It was me, Newt.

"Newt?" I said quietly, but apparently loud enough that he heard.

"Newt's not here." By that point, I was sure Gally thought I was insane.

Yes, it was me! Bloody calm down!

I stood up and started running. Where? I didn't even know. I just had to run away from his voice in my head.


Everyone went to the Homestead for lunch. I hadn't realized how hungry I was until Newt made me eat some of Frypan's bacon.

"So, how did you do that?" I asked out of no where.

"Do what?" He replied.

"Talk to me inside my head."

"I don't know. I was just able to do it. Soon you will too."

We all heard a loud bang and looked over at the door. A black haired, tan guy wearing a smile confidently walked up to Newt and Alby.

"Find anything?" Alby asked the Glader.

"I sure did." He replied.

Newt and Alby looked at each other wide-eyed. "Well, what is it."

"I found a dead Griever."

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