Quiet (1)

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The classroom was quiet.

The only sounds present were the small clacking of shoes against the floor and low conversing.

It's something some of them wouldn't have expected.

I mean, it was a high school, after all.

But it's definitely something some of them weren't used to.

How could a freshmen class be quieter than an eighth-grade class? It was well beyond their knowledge.

People don't mature that quickly.


Dark-green hair

Silver hair

Black hair

Unfamiliar looks were all around them. The best some of them could do was try and get to know each other.

It worked out for them.

Green eyes

Black eyes

Black eyes

More unfamiliar looks.

Nobody knew each other.


Not anybody in the room, anyway.

White hair

Familiar hair

White eyes

Familiar-yet-unfamiliar eyes.

Full of sorrow, hatred, regret, and no longer holding their happy and mischievous glint from so long ago.

Shihai sits on his assigned desk, his eyes half-lidded in sleepiness and an unreadable emotion. He scoots back and folds his arms, looking ready to doze off at any moment.

His eyes roam the room, from the ceiling tiles to the empty desks to the plain floor. He takes note of where everyone is at the moment for some reason.






Those five emotions are evident in Shihai's eyes.

The door opens and Shihai looks over, sitting up straight as his eyes widen a bit, seeing short blond hair. Is that..? He muses, trailing off as the male looks straight at him with gazing pale purple eyes. It is!

Neito immediately noticed Shihai upon walking in and looked at him. He speedwalks over to the latter with a mischievous-looking grin plastered outwardly though on the inside, he's worried for his childhood friend. "Shihai!" He exclaims lightly. "You made it in too?"

Shihai manages a tiny smile and nods a bit. "I could ask the same of you, Neito," he responds. "Who's quirks did you copy to get in?"

"Never mind that," Neito shrugs the question off. "How have you been? Back a couple of years ago, you suddenly stopped coming over! You almost stopped talking to me completely!" Ah, Neito sounds almost like his 6-year-old self.

"I..." Shihai trails off, his small smile disappearing as he looks away with a saddened look. "I wish to not talk about it."

"Are you sure?" Neito asks, trying not to push the subject too far. "You look sad...What happened?"

"I...M-My..." Shihai stutters, getting increasingly uncomfortable.

Neito knows something's up. Shihai doesn't stutter unless something is really wrong.

Then it hits him.

Journal entry #85, 1 November 20XX

I can't believe that happened. I really can't. Shikha was stronger than that; She wouldn't let a single bullet kill her. I know her well enough to know she was stronger than that. Why'd it have to be her?! We were supposed to pull through everything together, we were supposed to stick by each other's side no matter what! I'm such a cocked up prat; I knew bloody well that promises can't always be kept. Our birthday went balls-up in such a short amount of time, too!

Oh, how brilliant the day was. It's my fault this all happened; I could've saved her but I was far too late to react.

Neito pulls Shihai off the desk and into a hug, surprising the latter.

Setsuna Tokage, the t-rex lady, watches. Along with Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, Iron Man, Hiryu Rin, the dragon, and Reiko Yanagi, the mentally-dying poltergeist.

"Sorry," Neito apologises. Huh.

"What are you apologising for?" Shihai asks, a bit confused and still bearing a sad expression.

"Nothing," Neito responds immediately.



Sorry for the cliffhanger!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2020 ⏰

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