I stood up and walked up stairs. I ran my hand across the banister, the smooth wood cooled my hand. The stairs creaked and moved under my weight. The sun shone through the curtains which at one point were white. The walls were dusty and the floors dirty and needed to be cleaned. I stopped looking at the door beside me, I had never been in Dad's room even as a kid but, I opened the door anyway. The smell of moth balls assaulted my nose. The room wasn't much bigger than the one I had lived in as a child. It had a double door closet and a big window that looked at the bed. I sat down on the edge of the bed and looked around. This was my home, this was where I grew up.
"You've gotta be shitting me." I laughed as I looked around.
I stood up leaving the room, a sliver of sunshine shone down onto a doorknob that I knew didn't go to my bedroom. It was Henry's.

"Beatrice?" Henry's voice cracked as I stared at the boy

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"Beatrice?" Henry's voice cracked as I stared at the boy. His hair was a mess and he was crying. No, that boy was sobbing. He had been my brother, now he was a murderer.
"Why'd you do it?" I whispered fighting back tears. Henry had been one of the strongest people I'd know but, now he was on his knees begging me to forgive him.
"The clown. The clown Beatrice. He made me do it. He said it would be fine." The older boy bawled.
"Henry..." I started.
"Give me a chance Beatrice, you gotta believe me." His voice cracked and I lost it.
"Shh, I know Henry. I wasn't your fault and it never will be." I mumbled wiping the tears from my face.
"No don't cry, I hate it when you cry, I never meant to hurt... he said I could help." Henry whispered breaking my heart into a million pieces.
"All right, times up." The officer said grabbing Henry's handcuffs.
"Wait... let me do one more thing." I begged before the officer could take him.
"What?" The officer questioned.
"He's the only family I've got left, can I give him a hug before you take him?" I asked looking at Henry.
"Fine." The man mumbled catching an attitude.
  I wrapped my arms around Henry, knowing it would be one of the last times I would be able to. He rested his head on mine and I could feel his tears wet my hair. Henry was the bad guy and I knew that but, he was still my brother. You didn't get to pick  your family but, you couldn't help but love them no matter what.

My hand shook as I grabbed the doorknob and twisted. The door creaked as I pushed it open. I wiped my eyes in the sleeve of my jacket. The room was small and that made me realize just how little we had. The room had a bed and a dresser, there wasn't a lot of room for anything else. I sighed pushing the dresser over and opening the floorboards. Henry's cigarettes, money, and weed was in a plastic bag he kept under the floorboards. I fished around under the floorboards looking for the bag.
"There we go." I muttered pulling the bag out of the floor and dumping the contents on the floor.
There was fifty bucks, three packs of cigarettes, and two train tickets. The tickets left Derry going to Augusta at a quarter past three. I took everything and shoved it back in the bag. I didn't need to go in my room nothing was in there. We had taken everything out in the move. I wiped more tears which I hadn't felt away and head down the stairs. A long bang grabbed my attention causing me to rush down the stairs to see if anyone had come in.
"Hello?" I called coming down the stairs.
"Babs!" A voice called.
  I sighed turning the corner trying to figure out who had called for me. There was no car in the driveway so, I figured someone had walked here but, who? I froze realizing who was sitting at the kitchen table. The same kitchen table that I sat at when they had to tell me that I was going to live with my aunt.
"Miss me?" Vic questioned turning around to look at me.
"Fuck you!" I yelled stepping towards him.
"I'd rather fuck you." He yelled back standing up and running at me.
"Oh shit!" I shouted running out the door which had been left opened. I ran until I reached the seller doors. I slipped in and locked them behind me.
"God, how stupid are you?" Another voice that had been imprinted on my brain.
"Why? Why do you do this?" I asked not even turning around.
"I've not a better question. Why'd you let your friend believe it was his fault? Why?" The clown asked as I turned to face him.
"Cause I wouldn't have been able to take him not talking to me." I answered moving toward the one that had never been moved.
"You're the whole reason your friends are in this mess." The clown said jumping at me.
"Fuck you." I said grabbing the axe and swinging it.
The axe hit It in the face and I looked up at him. His face was bloody but, it was no longer a clown.
"Richie?" I mumbled as my chest started to hurt. I sighed swinging the axe again.
"You're not real! You're just a clown." I yelled and suddenly the thing was gone.

I sat in the basement as the clock slowly ticked. I had been disrespectful and this was always the punishment for being disrespectful. A light humming grabbed my attention. I looked around the room and made eye contact with some bright yellow eyes.
"What do you want?" I mumbled not even looking away.
"Fear!" The thing said as it changed into my worst nightmare. Georgie Denbrough.
"Please just leave. I didn't have anything to do with that." I said as I realized he knew and one day they all would. The fear of my friends hating me took over my body and replaced the feta of the thing in front of me.
"You didn't save me. Why'd you leave me! I die and it's all your fault." Georgie said as the basement door swung open.
"Time's up." Henry yelled for the top of the stairs. I didn't wait to get out of there and after that I hadn't gone back done there.
"Fuck me." I whispered looking down the stairs.

"Fuck me." I whispered going up the stairs.

Poem (Ben Hanscom x Oc) sequelWhere stories live. Discover now