♛ Explanation ♛

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"Kiyoko-senpai...this is between you and me. I don't want any else knowing about this.."She said sternly. Kiyoko was now even more curious, but promised her kouhai she would keep it a secret..


"Well you see I have a rare illness that estimates the time I have left remaining till I die.." Mizuki explained everything to her senpai. Kiyoko listened very closely and was devastated. 

"Are you feeling ok right now?" Kiyoko asked. "Yea, I'm doing ok just some coughing at times, but nothing too severe." Mizuki said with a smile that calmed down Kiyoko's worries a bit. 

"Kiyoko-san, Mizuki, are you two ok? You guys look sad.." Nishinoya said with worry planted on his face and same goes for Tanaka who is besides him. 

"We both are ok. Shouldn't you two be practicing?"Mizuki said looking at them and back at the team. "Right! We'll talk to you later!" Tanaka said as they both ran before they got yelled at by Daichi. 

"Kiyoko-senpai would you like to try?" Mizuki asked with a fork of the matcha crepe cake. "Sure" Kiyoko opened her mouth and Mizuki feed her a piece. 

Mizuki was now able to walk, but she was still limping. She walked towards Daichi. 

"I want to join!" she yelled. "Not today. You still need to rest." Daichi said sternly. 

Mizuki pouted, but walked back to the stage. She fixed her skirt before jumping on the stage. 

She finished both her drink and cake and went to the trash to throw them away. She was walking back to the stage, but felt a sharp pain on her leg and fell. 

"AHH-" she covered her mouth. Everyone ran towards her. "ARE YOU, MIZUKI!" they all yelled. Kiyoko and sensei helped her up.

She stood up for a few seconds u ended up falling back down. "Shit that hurt.." she mumbled, but only Tsukishima heard and chuckled a bit. 

"Can one of you get my phone and call nii-san for me." Mizuki asked them. Daichi saw her contact list and laughed at the names, but called her brother. 

"Hey, Mizuki." He said. "Um this is Daichi Sawamura. Team captain.." Daichi said nervously. 

"Hey, Daichi..why do have her phone?" "Well, Mizuki can't walk and she wanted you to come pick her up." 

"Ah, ok I'll come get her." He hangs up and he gives Mizuki her phone back. 

Tenma came to the gym and picked up Mizuki. They both got home and Mizuki went to bed to get enough rest to be able to walk the next morning. 

(Sorry it's so short)

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