Chapter 2

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When I walked in everyone just stared at me as I walked up to the teacher. she was a tall brown haired lady with razor sharp teeth. she looked at the note and said "is this for the whole year?" I nod and she looked towards the class. she said "this is Danny he just transferred her so be nice." she handed me back the note and I say in the very back desk away from everyone. as soon as I sat down the person next to me said "hi I'm jack." I turned and looked at him. I remembered him from earlier. he wears a blue mask and has black liquid coming from his eye sockets. the teacher said "oh and I almost forgot to tell you Danny can't speak do to some difficulties." I looked at Jack and he said "is that true?" I just nod and look down at my desk. he asked "is that why you always look so Lonley?" I just keep my eyes on the desk and nod. then Jack says "well if you can talk or can't talk I'm still going to be your friend." I look up to Jack and smile. he smile back and we continue weapon training. I didn't have a weapon because I can control a lot of weapons so we studied Jacks. he pulled out a scapule and a regular knife from his hoodie. He said "I use these only if I want clean cuts, if not I use my hands." I look at the knife and pick it up. Jack says "be careful that knife is really sharp." I nod an twirl it around in my fingers like it's nothing. jack says "wow your really good at that!" Then his face scrunched up like he was confused and asked "where is your weapon?" I looked up at him and smiled a creepy looking smile. he said "what? Where is it?" I hold up one finger and jack stops asking questions, I drew a knife in the air, one just popped up and I caught it. Jack looked mesmerized by what I just did and said "wow can you do a chain saw?" I just nod and his smile widens. he says "how fast can you draw it?" I just shrug and look down at my desk. he says well then let's test that!" Jack picks up his knife and Is about to stab me in the side. I drew another knife in the air and quickly blocked his. he said "wow all in three seconds flat. your good." I smile at him with a devious smile and he says "he you wanna hang out at the park this afternoon?" I nod and lean in close to jack. he backs away and says "dude what are you doing?" I just motion for him to get closer and put my hand on my mouth as if I was going to whisper. he leaned in real close and I whispered "I can talk I just choose not to because everyone scares me so I clam up." jack just leans back so mesmerized by what I just said. his smile widens and he says "so you can only whisper?" And I whisper "I only whisper to certain people, the ones I can trust." jacks smile dims a bit and says "you trust me?" Before I got to answer the bell rang. I stood up and jack says "you never answered my question." I whisper "of course I do your the first one who talked to me." he nodded and we walked to my next class. jack said "oh wait you have this class next?" I whisper "yeah what about it?" He just looks at me dead in the eyes and says "what ever you do don't trust Jeff, you will know who I'm talking about he is pale and has short black hair and always carries a knife." I nod and walk in the door. As soon as I step foot in the classroom I bump into someone.

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