"Arya, whatever decision Elder father will take tomorrow, we will have to accept, it will be beneficial for the whole Kingdom" I said truthfully, even if we doesn't want to accept it, we will have to and I know Brother Yudhishthira will welcome the order with open arms for the sake of peace. He pulled his head away from my shoulder and looked at me in disbelief "You are suggesting that we accept the defeat and let Brother Duryodhana becomes the King of Hastinapur" he questioned, I gave him a small smile and shook my head "I am not suggesting that" I responded, he looked at me in confusion. "I am saying that tomorrow, Elder father will divide this nation in two parts equally and to establish peace we will accept the partition and for Prince Duryodhana becoming the King of Hastinapur, Grandfather won't let Adharm on the throne until his last breath" I said in calm voice. 

"And by accepting the decision, Mother will be free from the fear that Prince Duryodhana will plot against us again to kill us" I continued.

His frown disappeared from his face and he nodded his head finally giving me genuine and relaxing smile "How do you always do that?" he asked looking at me quizzically, I furrowed my eye brow in confusion "Do what, Arya?" I questioned, he put his hand on my cheek in adoration "You always find a way to make my mind at ease" he smiled, I put my hand on his hand and stared at him in affection "I am your other Half, Arya, if you are at ease that's make me at ease as well so you can call me selfish but I am doing this for myself" I said in light hearted tone and he chuckled, his eyes shining with happiness. 

"Now, you should rest, tomorrow is a long day for all of us" I said and pulled his head on my lap, raking my hand in his hair, he sighed deeply closing his eyes, frown line disappeared from his face as I lulled him to sleep.

Third Person P.O.V

Dhritarashtra was sleeping in his chamber after a long day. He has made some tough decision today for benefits of his son, he thinks that his son deserve to be the King of Hastinapur just like he deserved it long time ago, it is their birth right. He has commanded Pandu's son to be in prisoner because they have raised weapon in his court and it is his duty to punish them to establish justice. "Dhritarashtra" he heard a whisper coming from the corner of the dark room, well everything is dark for him. He got out of his sleepy state and pushed himself in sitting position. "Dhritarashtra" Voice said again, he turned his head towards the voice, "Who is it?" he asked confused, he moved his hand on the side of the bed for Gandhari, but his hand came back empty. He pressed his lips together "Dhritarashtra" voice spoke again, this time a little firm. "Who are you, I am asking again?" he demanded annoyed and stand up on the floor looking in the direction from where the voice came. "You have made a grave mistake by punishing people who didn't deserve it" voice said.

Dhritarashtra snapped his head and looked in the dark "I have never done injustice in my life" he said annoyed, who is this voice that telling him that he is an unjust King. The voice chuckled but there was no humor behind it. "You are too delusional, if you are thinking that whatever decision you have made is justice" voice said coming closer to him. "Who are you to tell me that, I am a great Emperor" he snapped, the voice started laughing and suddenly stopped "What you have done today, you called it justice, then you are too far gone?" Voice said coldly, Dhritarashtra opened his mouth to oppose it but before he could, voice spoke again. "You have punished Pandu's sons for the sin they haven't done" voice said in disappointing tone, he scoffed "They raised weapon in my court" he said denying the accusation. The voice gave a short laugh "And they did it to protect the honor of your daughter in law, this ancestry's daughter, you should have been the one to protect her honor but you just stayed there and gave injustice" voice said in serious tone. "The woman did adharm by marrying five husbands" he huffed, turning his eyes upward. "It has already been told to you that the marriage is different from normal marriage and Draupadi can never be immoral, she is born from the fire itself and you have no right to point finger on her when God already gave her blessings, are you above God as well?" voice asked in taunting. Dhritarashtra lowered his head in shame thinking about that, he is not above God and can never be. "Today, you have done a mistake, rectify it before it is too late otherwise I have to come forward to teach you myself" voice said blankly, he could see a light in front of his blind eyes. "Who are you?" he asked in shaky voice, he knew, the voice doesn't belong to normal person, it is a divine voice and it is angry.

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