From heartless to Heart Felt

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    This brings us to Batman vs Robin based on the comic, Batman and the court of owls. The story changes to put Bruce and Damian at odds with eachother. Now we get the scene at the beginnings here Damian takes off on his own to face the doll maker and disregarding Bruce's orders. Damian of coarse finds and defeats the doll maker and is struggling with the concept of the famous line "Justice, Not vengeance!" Damian choose to spare doll maker, but he is killed anyway by Talon who is looking to recruit Damian to the court of owls. So now we have a good character and a bad character influencing Damians actions.

    Now if you've ever battled some form of addiction or tried to reinvent your self in any way. You'll know that Damian is at the point where he's struggling with a potiental relapse. Talon of coarse represents the bad side of Damians conscious. He coerces Damian with the same ideas that Ra's did. This is very enticing for Damian, as it is essentially him convincing Damian that his old ways were right and makes his struggle to reform that much harder. It's easy for Damian to relate to Talon and even comes to like Talon. So he keeps In contact with the court of owls assasin despite batmans warning.

 So he keeps In contact with the court of owls assasin despite batmans warning

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Bruce of coarse is the good side of Damian conscious. We have a scene at the beginning of the movie where Bruce and Damian are actually getting along and watching a movie. It is immediately barred with a scene where Bruce is keeping Damian imprisoned in the house and has him under surveillance. This makes sense as Damian is escaping on his own to fight crime and Bruce still doesn't trust him, but I still don't like it. I think this is detrimental towards Damians progression. Anyways Bruce catches Damian trying to escape and Damian gets angry with him. Bruce tried to disarm him with kindness, but is once again met with spite. This is important because later on we see this method of approach with another character. Anyways Damian is becoming more and more resentful towards Bruce for his lack of faith in Damian, and also because Damian is starting to become self conscious. He wants to be the person Bruce wants him to be, but doesn't think he can be it. This is a common trait with addicts towards their supporters. Damian feels pitied by someone he looks up to and his ego is trying to protect itself by being callous towards him.

Damian would eventually go on to betray his father in favor of Talon. This is him relapsing from his reformation. He turns on the people who want to help him in favor of someone's who's telling him is wrong doings are right and it's the other people who are the problem. That's usually what other addicts or people with disorders tell their peers when they don't feel what they're doing is wrong even though it is. This is of coarse detrimental to both people in obvious ways.

Later on Bruce finds the court of owls, but had traveled through a tunnel that was flooded with fear gas.

Later on Bruce finds the court of owls, but had traveled through a tunnel that was flooded with fear gas

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.
Ai ajuns la finalul capitolelor publicate.

⏰ Ultima actualizare: Jun 23, 2020 ⏰

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