Chapter 1

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The match just ended, Terushima's team,Johzenji,were only there for a few minutes during the end but all were so excited by the amazing quick attack. But when they tried talking to Terushima about it. He couldn't actually say anything since a certain dark green headed boy caught his attention. He was only standing with the 'bench' players but they all seemed to be having fun, cheering for their team. Terushima didn't know why he actually caught his attention but he did. And he knew he needed to talk to him, He rushed out with Bobata. Running into the manager of Karasuno, Bobata whispered to Terushima, "I dare you to try and get her number." A smirk appeared upon Teru's face, he was the type to accept any dare. After a few minutes he was stopped by a familiar ginger. He walked away forgetting completely about the dare, As he walked out him and his team saw the rest of Karasuno, That's When Terushima saw the same boy. "Freckles!" He said running up to the boy who was talking to a tall blonde guy. The boy who was named Yamaguchi froze and looked at Terushima, "Huh?" Terushima got a piece of paper out which supposedly had his number on. "Here! You're cute and I want to take you out on a date sometime!" Yamaguchi went redder than a tomato, his mind was going wild while Tsukishima glared at Terushima. Terushima suddenly got dragged away by his manager, Misaki, She was also apologising for his flirting. "Call me freckles!!!" He said while being pushed onto the bus. Yamaguchi covered his face with his hands, Whenever he was talked to by anyone it was usually about setting them up with Tsukishima. His thoughts were interrupted, "You aren't actually thinking of calling him, right?" Tsukki said, Yamaguchi looked up at Tsukishima and shook his head. "Ah!uhm. No Tsukki!" He replied. "Good. He seems like a player." Tsukishima said while walking away, "Yeah, Yams he has your back on this one. He seems like the never giving up type." Tanaka said with Nishinoya nodding next to him. Yamaguchi sighed with a weak smile on his face, 'He doesn't really have the right to say that..right?' Yamaguchi thought. As they also ran to Kiyoko. Yachi came up from behind him shocking him. "Y-Yamaguchi-kun! I can throw that away for you!" Yamaguchi was a little confused but denied her request. "It's fine Yamaguchi-kun! I don't mind!!" Yamaguchi denied again, but she kept persisting, and he finally gave in. But Yamaguchi had a small part of him which wanted to keep the number so he wrote it down in a school notebook. Yachi didn't realise he did this but was so excited when she got it, But she never left to go to the bin. Yamaguchi sighed after going to the bus. That night Yachi got home more excited than usual she kicked off her shoes and jumped on her bed, She typed the number into her contacts and texted Terushima,

Yachi: Hey there, Is this Terushima?

Yuji: Yep! :3 This is Freckles right?

Yachi panicked but decided to reply using Yamaguchi's Identity. She decided she'd talk about topics, She liked though so maybe he could like her. That night they talked all night  but she had to keep waiting 10-20 minutes for a reply. It became morning, and Yachi was woken up by her phone ringing, not bothering to check who it was she answered in her normal cheery tone, "Hello!!Yachi here!!" A sigh came from the other end, "I knew You weren't freckles!" Yachi gasped, "You were too boring! He seemed like a more fun type!" Terushima said being completely honest. Yachi felt as if she had been stabbed, But she apologised and hung up. Yachi wasn't able to bring up the courage to tell Yamaguchi what she did. So she didn't, but when they got to the arena, She walked right past Terushima feeling awkward. Yamaguchi got red again after seeing him so he ran to the bathroom saying he felt sick. When he got there, he ran into Terushima who was washing his face. "Ah! You!" Yamaguchi said before covering his mouth, he realised how rude that sounded. "Terushima looked at him, he looked like a sad puppy. "Hey..are you okay?" Yamaguchi said. Terushima jumped up with a smile. "I'm fine! I just have a question! " Yamaguchi tilted his head, "Why did you give my number to some girl?" Yamaguchi looked confused. then realised. "Yachi said she was going to chuck it i wrote it down.." Yamaguchi said slightly embarrassed, he showed him his notebook. Terushima smiled happily. "So you were going to text me, right?!" Yamaguchi looked down with a slight nod. "Uwah!!! It makes me so happy!! You're so cute!!" Yamaguchi smiled a little, "Thanks..Uhm! Be prepared! We are definitely going to win this match!" Terushima chuckled putting his hand on Yamaguchi's shoulder. "We'll see." he said with a smirk. as he walked out he lost all composure. "BOBATA!!!!! He was so cute! I might die what do i do?" He said his face completely red, "I was so tempted to make a pick up line." Bobata Sighed. "First, You'll scare him away with your terrible puns and pick up lines, second. You should try to show off to him in this match!!" Terushima's composure came back. "Hell yeah!! Let's do this!" He said punching the air. Yamaguchi went back to his team, Yachi was talking to Hinata. He was actually quite annoyed with her. He just didn't want to talk to her. "Hey Yams! You okay?" Tanaka said. Yamaguchi nodded, he was happy he was able to talk to Terushima, but unhappy about Yachi. "I'm feeling great today!" He smiled. After match where Karasuno won, He typed in Terushima's number when he got on the bus, The first thing he wrote was: Told you so :b A response was immediately made,

Yamaguchi: Told you so. :b

Terushima: Freckles!! Hi! I wish we could of seen you play (๑>◡<๑)

Yamaguchi:they didn't really need me. :/

Yamaguchi: I DONT MEAN THAT YOU WERE TOO EASY!! You was super cool especially that hit!!

Terushima: Well you know what they say!

Yamaguchi: ?

Terushima: I couldn't think of anything... >_<

Yamaguchi: ...Lol.

Terushima: Did i make you laugh?

Yamaguchi: maybe! :<

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